Mail box bug: You are unable to take gifts from messages at this time

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-Faecia, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Faecia Guest

    For the past few days I've been unable to recieve items that have been mailed to me in game. So far this has affected every mailbox I've tried (in the guildhall, in any city, in houses, near griffon towers) and I can't get anything at all from them.
    I can't answer either of the new polls, I have a station cash gift waiting for me, and a master. I can open the mailbox, I can open the mail, but when I click "Recieve gift" I get a message that says "You are unable to take gifts from messages at this time."
    I've attempted to restart my client and reboot my computer to no avail.

    Anyone else having this issue?

    Editted to add: I guess I should mention I'm on the Oasis server and I can't help but wonder if this bug has anything to do with the chat and zone lag that has made our server practically unplayable over the weekend. Someone needs to reboot our server bigtime.
  2. ARCHIVED-plaemi Guest

    I am also having the same mailbox problem--on Oasis. Chat lag is noticeable but it does work--slowly.
  3. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    On Everfrost people who try and mail me get the error message that my mailbox is full. But it isn't. It is far from it. Might be related?
  4. ARCHIVED-Faecia Guest

    This still exists.
    Come on, Sony. A word on a fix would be nice and especially since we had down time every morning last week with no improvement. I can't even get my tinkerfest stuff.