Mage pet's Mana consumption

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Garlin1, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Garlin1 Guest

    Hello Dev team, I have a simple request that would be great if it could be looked into. Up until now I have had my TSO set robe which allows my pet to proc mana regen for the group as well as the end line INT AA that allows it to replenish 35% of its mana pet spell or whatever. The pet would rarely go low on mana, which was nice for raids, groups, etc.
    Recently I found a robe to replace the TSO set one which doesn't have the mana replenishment, now my pet runs out of mana quite quickly. To give an example WITH mana regen in the group, one boss fight that lasts about 2-3 mins my pet runs out of mana fast. I thought at first it was maybe a issue with a mana regen, but tested it a few times. I think the issue is that the mana cost per spell combined with the pet gear giving it fast cast speeds. Seems silly that unless we use the proc from our TSO robe we are going to have issues with our pets dps.
  2. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Do you have the INT endline? It helps quite a bit, as does putting the pet in Offensive stance.
    Unfortunately the pet will run out of mana if your group power regen is terrible.
  3. ARCHIVED-Garlin1 Guest

    I said I had the endline, and my pet remains in offensive stance. I understand the pet will run out of mana without mana regen, the point of the conversation was the pet runs out on mana fairly quickly. To be quite honest for a endline that gives back 35% of mana cast, the pet runs out very fast. IMO a pet should not run out of mana on one pull. Doesn't make sense when it is 30%+ of our DPS. I think maybe I should just stop posting concerns, Xal you sure are quick to put the concerns out to rest. Thanks for being a great representative for the summoner class. Side with me or not, maybe delve into the "reasons" I posted rather then assume I don't have INT endline, pet in a stance etc. Out.
  4. ARCHIVED-Jasuo Guest

    My mage pet has never ran out of power even in a group without power regen, so I am not seeing the issue tbh.
  5. ARCHIVED-Hardain Guest

    Mage has never run out of power unless there was AE power drain. I'm not sure does the power bar even move.
  6. ARCHIVED-Daelim Guest

    I'm in the same boat... my mage pet doesn't seem to have any trouble keeping power up. Very rarely does a fight even last logn enough for its bar to move...
  7. ARCHIVED-Garlin1 Guest

    Which robe do you guys wear? Are are you wearing the set robe from TSO? I still see a mana issue to a degree, maybe not as bad as I thought a first, but on longer fights it does have issues.
  8. ARCHIVED-Hardain Guest

    T3 robe from WoE, but the power proc isn't that major.
  9. ARCHIVED-Daelim Guest

    My robe is probably my worst piece. Still wearing Doctor Horrorbiles Gossamer Robes... I had 5 max level toons before the expansion and my alts always seemed to get the shard runs over my necro. Since they are all more useful to a group classes (Illy, Warden, Inquisitor and Shadowknight) they got the shard gear first... Necro is mostly in T1 and new Mark gear now...
  10. ARCHIVED-Jasuo Guest

    I'm wearing Robes of Duality from Palace of Rhoen Theer. Still not seeing any mana issues with the pet.