macros, ui, and other things needed for raiding Inquisitor?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by nytemary, May 14, 2013.

  1. nytemary New Member

    hi, i am a new lvl 33 inquisitor, have played a cleric in eq1 for several years and decided to accept the invitation of a friend to cross over to eq2. this has been a big challenge but i am really happy about the differences in the class abilities of the game :) I am looking for some suggestions on a good ui to use in raiding, some direction to a forum/guide to making and using macros in eq2, and some basic clerical/inqy info or class guide that would be helpful to develop the skills to be a effective inqy raider- my basic understanding is that the class is as much about preventing damage, and increasing dps as about healing the group? If not, please clarify so ill have a better understanding of what to look for in the build. I really don't want to be an inquisitor that just runs through the keys hoping it works, so if there is a web site you all find most helpful, or can direct me to links on forums here that explain the heal spells used in combinations and when they are appropriate id really appreciate it! Or at least some explanation and strategy to use as a starter that will build future skills, i've been a little overwhelmed at the way the spells level and show up on the spell bar, which to use etc. i've read through most the inquisitor forum threads here, but am still new enough to the class that they don't all make sense yet lol. Thanks in advance, you all sound from your posts to be helpful and interested, much appreciated! oh and ty for the 2 different builds on aas etc that a couple of you posted to use as a guide on those choices, i downloaded them both to compare and learn from thx!
  2. StaticLex Active Member

    It's a healer class, your job is to heal people. Of the 6 healer classes, 3 of them have a slight offensive slant and 3 have a slight defensive slant, inquis is one of the offensive ones. If your group is dying you're doing it completely wrong.
  3. Laiina Well-Known Member

    There is a lot of info on classes on EQ2flames, but you have to sift through a lot of trash talk also. Stick to the class forums there and you can get some good info. I really wish more people would post here about class info, but for some reason few do.
  4. nytemary New Member

    lol noone is dying in my groups, no, im just trying to be proactive on my build and skills to prevent that from happening, id rather learn then relearn and have to change my strats an stats later to accomodate raid needs.
  5. Leeroy 16 year vet. Forum lurker. Altaholic.

    I used to raid a lot, still do on occasion. I recommend DrumsUI for a custom UI as you can customize the click-to-cast numbers in the group window. Macros: I have my most important announcements macroed to tell the group/raid. Verdict for example, and Divine Guidance. My AoE blocker is macroed to target myself. I have my cures macroed (all of them) to /cancel_spellcast first so they get sent NOW and not 3 seconds later.

    Your reactives are a much better use of your mana than constantly spot healing: that said, you will do some direct heals and use Inquisition now that it's been changed to originate from you, and is more effective. Watch your power useage until you get Inquest, which will return power to you as the recipient lands damage. It's a biggie. As for AA builds, you won't see a ton of heal goodies until later levels anyhow so concentrate on raising crit chance, crit bonus, potency and ability modifier. Wisdom will affect your dps but not your heals.

    Inquisitors help their group with dps in these ways: buffs, procs, debuffs and their own attacks. Buffs include Tenacity and Fanaticism. Tenacity you can make group wide with one of your AA focus effects. Procs like the AA proc Fanatical Devotion (shadow tree) are a great item if you are up there swinging. Procs on whole group, giving them more dps. Debuffs are not as important but I do throw Condemn to lower mob's physical mitigation. And you should be using a 2-handed weapon with a large delay/damage spread. You will get more attack speed so you swing more often from AAs, gear, adornments and reforging should you choose to do that. Hopefully your AA tree has filled in the leftmost column in the Cleric tree to get Steadfast, and in the Inquisitor tree to get all the Combat Arts that match the spells you have (same timers). Battle Cleric is a must.

    If you want you can go back and see my earlier posts on the Inquisitor class by clicking my name and then clicking the Postings tab.
  6. Taka Active Member

    As game mechanics are changed or slightly altered, you will need to learn or relearn things accepted as universally true.. this happens time to time. But for large swathes mechanics remain mostly the same.

    Healing is a funny thing, as you know very quickly whether you're doing it "right" when people aren't cured or die a lot. Leeroy above gives very great advice with DrumsUI and macros and /cancel_spellcast. The UI additions just give you addition tools to do most things fast, like rezzing a group member without changing targets.

    First, many of the knowledge is from practice and fielded techniques that people tried and have success with.
    Secondly, its feeling thing. Do you like how the class feels... do you like switchin targets to heal or relying on group healing or wards..
    Thirdly it depends on who you play with, is yo' tank a monk, a pally, a guardian.. then you understand your synergies.. i.e. he just cast stoneskin.. he's immune to damage for X seconds so i slow heals..
    Finally, understanding the encounter...... you see mob casting "AOESPELLPOISON" then you know you need to watch for it to almost finish and cast your.. "cureTankCauseHesAboutToBePoisoned" ... being able to react accurately and quickly to what is happening in the fight.

    tldr version: have fun.. don't be afraid to ask questions.. find a guild that fits your play style/playtime.. and use your friends list as a resource.. no need to solo to 95. :)