Macro question

Discussion in 'Troubador' started by ARCHIVED-RiTuL009, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-RiTuL009 Guest

    Used to have a macro that looked like this...

    /usea Singing Shot
    /toggle auto_attack

    However, the /toggle thing does not work anymore...Baisically what the macro did was use my ranged CA, then turn melee auto attack on instead of ranged. Anyone know the correct command to turn auto attack on in that macro?
  2. ARCHIVED-Mulilla Guest

    I just use melee CAs after singing shot (sandras, noble blade). They toggle melee autoattack automatically.
  3. ARCHIVED-Balmung of the Azure Sky Guest

    see if you can /usea <name of melee auto attack toggle> im too lazy to try it but its an idea
  4. ARCHIVED-RiTuL009 Guest

    I don't use a melee CA after my ranged, it's not in my proper DPS skill order. I just want to turn melee auto attack on after my ranged CA is fired in a macro. :/ Too lazy to press `
  5. ARCHIVED-RiTuL009 Guest

    Got it all figured out. =)
  6. ARCHIVED-Mishrac Guest

    /usea singing shot
    /autoattack 1

    so now tou will be swinging like crazy.
  7. ARCHIVED-andolien Guest

    Ranged is /autoattack 2 also for anyone who happens to want to do it the other way around.