Luxurious Kromzek Keep now available from Veteran merchant

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Sharann, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Sharann Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this has been brought up elsewhere but we can now get the Luxurious Kromzek keep (which is a rare raid-drop) from the Veteran merchant for 60 loyalty point tokens. So that's 2 months of dailies but at least you're sure to get it. This is a nice addition for us non-raiders so a big thank you to the devs!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Cyliena like this.
  2. Katz Well-Known Member

    Oh nice! I've never seen one of those listed to visit. Only to tour. I don't think they were very common. I will save up for one now.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Afista Well-Known Member

    I'm excited that the house is finally obtainable. I wish it stayed at 25 token though : / Regardless, I'll still end up saving for it since nothing else has grabbed my attention for rewards.
  4. Lempo Well-Known Member

    The house was obtainable, even more so now.

    Why is it such a problem to have items that are only obtainable by raiding?
    There are items that are only obtainable by crafting.

    This item is another thing that never should have made it onto that merchant.

    There are PLENTY of crafters out there that also raid, this rewarded them for both sides of the content. Too late now entitlement has won over, the people that earned the item in a matter of weeks are going have it cheapened by this.
    Marijaney and Feara like this.
  5. thulia Active Member

    raided for over 2 years and never seen it drop so this is a good thing
  6. Sharann Well-Known Member

    Lempo, I can see trophies/statues/weapons being raid-drop house items for instance, but a house? No sorry I am disagreeing with you on that :)
    Afista and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  7. Lempo Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah it just makes no sense at all for a house designed after a raid zone to be one of the loot rewards for it.

    Honestly, why do you think it is a bad thing to have a house that can only be obtained by loot from a raid zone?
    There are plenty of other houses out there.
    Feara likes this.
  8. Lempo Well-Known Member

    Link to your profile and how many times did you clear all 3 of those zones in those 2 years?

    just because you didn't see it drop means nothing, it dropped I know it did because I was present when it happened.
  9. Sharann Well-Known Member

    Not everyone has the time to raid as they have family duties etc. so this is a nice alternative for decorators. Sorry that it doesn't please you.
    Afista and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  10. Lempo Well-Known Member

    There are plenty of alternative houses for decorators, this was the ONLY house that was a perk for raiders, sorry that you couldn't be content with that and felt entitled to it because it was available only the method to obtain it didn't suit your play style. Using this kind of illogical thoughts they should just put raid gear on there too because of family duties of some and what not.
    Feara and Kraeref like this.
  11. Morg Well-Known Member

    After decorating a Kromzek Keep for a RAIDER, who was lucky enough to get one, I wouldn't own this home for anything lol, was a hard house to decorate and the item count is waaay too low for the size of the house.

    Don't get me wrong, it's a great house!! I love the layout, but it would be better being converted into a guild hall FOR RAIDING GUILDS as a drop in a raid zone.

    No one feels "entitled" to own this house. SOE felt THEY SHOULD put it on the merchants for ALL to buy. Don't blame decorators for something SOE did and now the decorators are happy about it. There are other things WE HAVE asked for for a very long time that don't get touched, like being able to clean up our house portal lists and remove OURSELVES from others friend lists to get into their homes.
    OR fixing the guild hall portal to housing that got borked up during the LAST GU66 and not being able to pay rent on trustee houses through it any longer.
    We HAVE asked for triangle tiles, water tiles ( got those YAY! ) and other things that haven't come to us yet.

    Your anger and disgust are directed to the wrong people Lempo. If I missed any threads where decorators were screaming to be able to own this house, please point it out to me and I will go sit in my corner and eat my crow, without too much crunching of bones.
    Cyliena and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  12. Cheribomb Well-Known Member

    It is beyond me that some players are so angry at that SOE is opening up game items to more people that they are actually on here picking fights with decorators, lol!

    Allowing others to obtain this item has ZERO impact on anyone else in this game.

    Also, having to grind tokens for 60 days to have enough to buy this is a wash as far as obtaining it via raid as far as I'm concerned. At least in raids you can get other rewards every time you raid. This is a straight grind with no reward until the end.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Afista like this.
  13. Alanducar Active Member

    I'll be working my way towards this reward. The only other way to obtain it before now was raiding and i had not seen a single person on my server with one of these houses so i am eager to finally start seeing them available and people getting the oppertunity to decorate them! I look forward to having a chance to make my own kromzek keep design. I know its probably going to be hard to decorate all of it but its something i have wanted for quite some time. I'm personally very happy this will be obtainable and although there are decorators who do raid myself and my guild is full of them who don't. I am sorry for those who feel upset about this but in the long run its a good thing :).
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. Lempo Well-Known Member

    You are going to call this a grind?

    I have no beef with decorators, and I don't know of a specific thread but I'll guarantee that the subject has been breached before about it being unfair that this house was a raid drop, I'm pretty sure I remember it.

    It is comments like these that subliminally suggest that those that raid either don't have jobs or families or neglect them if they do.

    EDIT: If you decorate you have time to do these zones, you choose not to, and that is fine but you should be satisfied with what is available to you based on how you prioritize your game time.

    There are multiple facets of this game tradeskillers, decorators, adventurers each having rewards it is actually a good thing to have items in the game that can only be obtained in one way, those that engage in multiple play styles have more things available to them. It's like some people here think I want to take something away from decorators and nothing is further from the truth, I don't think that something unique should be taken away from raiders but plenty of people here seem to be just fine with it.

    I don't even own the house, I don't want it, I decorate too, everytime I get a new house item I try to find a place that I can manage to squeeze it in my main room and still be able to get to my altar, and my TS assistants, the bigger the pile the better is my motto. lol
    Feara likes this.
  15. Morg Well-Known Member

    Ahh, sorry then Lempo I misunderstood what you were saying.

    I don't raid, as I don't feel like i'm a good enough player to do so. My gear is stuck at lvl 92 as is my character as dov was the last expansion I was able to afford haha.

    I do remember when the House was first introduced that people were upset about it. But, after a lil time, they just hoped for a drop.

    I do think The different play styles SHOULD have different items available - it keeps the economy fun and entertaining imo.

    I also think they ( SOE ) should come up with RAIDING only guild halls and the drops for them as a reward Like R1 guild hall, something in sinking sands, R2 guild hall umm hmm pick a place lol and R3 guild halls like the Kromzek keep or something close to it.
    And crafting guild halls could get a C1 hall, something like Hates Envy or one of the starting town areas, C2 Isle of Mara village ( the one by Qho, NOT the far seas place ) and C3 area, Coe or DOV zone.

    Just an idea I came up with on the fly lol. but still a good one I think.

    Oh and Lempo, whatever server you are on, I would be happy to organize your hoard so you have pathways :p
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. Sharann Well-Known Member

    The thread wasn't about the house being a raid-drop but for the drop rate being way too low.

    And I guess you realize that raiding requires being available non-stop during a certain timeframe, while decorating allows you to interrupt what you are doing (this may be kids & stuff, but it may also be your own illness). So no if you decorate you can't necessarily do these zones and it's not necessarily a choice.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  17. Cloudrat Well-Known Member


    Alternate avenues for other play styles:) It isn't a competition:) It is a house son, a house after all :) Maybe they want to see some decorated ones too:p
  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    That's what I keep telling myself ("But, but, I WANT to 'play my way'!") when I run up against anti-soloing stuff in games (I loved one signature, can't remember whose it was now, but it was something like: "I play solo for the same reason I don't go grocery shopping with children.")'s a major reason why I gave up on EQ1 way back when. I know it's tough to actually live up to a big sweeping generalization like "Play YOUR way!" to accommodate all the different play styles and likes/dislikes, but I think EQ2 does it pretty well overall (one reason why I'm still here). And expanding rights (or whatever) for others does not take away existing rights (or whatever) from anyone else. ;->

    Sharann, Afista and Cloudrat like this.