Luminox Prime

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Guiscard, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. Guiscard Active Member

    I cannot get past lumniox Prime. They have it set up that you can't run down any of the corridors or you fall to your death - and I find it hard to get away from the missiles he throws out. I am using Krivox

    I am a coercer - what is a good way to kill this guy in the Advanced Solo.?
  2. Alphonsus Well-Known Member

    They only travel 80 meters, there's more than enough room.
  3. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    His missiles don't cross the room before they detonate. Pull him near one of the dropped elevators (at least onto the stairs), let him launch missiles from there while you run to the opposite side. Repeat twice.

    Mind the laser when he turns white after the 2nd (?) set of missiles.

    If you let him get to missile-launch state while he's in the middle of the room, there's nowhere to hide and you have to run circles around him instead. That's harder to do. Keeping him on the edge of the room makes it mindlessly easy.
  4. Guiscard Active Member

    I couldn't find enough room - they push me right up to the edge of the drop - and some of them seem to push you.

    Prrasha I will try pulling him to the stairs - I have Krivox as a Merc and maybe I need to changed his setting so he doesn't try and help me tank
  5. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    That's what I'm sayin'. Park him on the East stairs, then go stand on the West platform when he "prepares to launch". The missiles will detonate just past the middle of the room and not damage you or knock you back. (Obviously, run through the yellow orbs but not the black ones while doing so. They buff your speed & crit bonus, the black ones debuff it.) When he unroots, meet him at the north (or south) stairs (to keep as much time on the crit bonus buff as you can), and fight him there until round 2, then flee to the south (or north) stairs. Etc.
  6. Guiscard Active Member

    I am going to try once more but if I die - I am just going to skip and go to Malice - I hate these kind of arcade requirements. At 80 I am no longer than able to do these run around things. But thanks for all your help
  7. Guiscard Active Member

    I did alright till I got him to 50% and then the laser blast killed me every time. How do you avoid that. It seems that he still runs around after he lets his energy blast with the black and yellow missiles on iti.
  8. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    The laser only happens between the 2nd and 3rd racks of missiles (or simultaneously with the 3rd rack if you time it really poorly... don't knock him down to 25% health while he's charging the laser.) It's just like all the other laser golems in the zone, except he fires a 3-beam cone, rather than just a straight line, so you have to move a bit further out of the way (and if he's a long way away from you, you're toast, since you won't be able to get out of his frontal arc.) When you see him stop and charge up, move to his side.
  9. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I forget on the adv solo but on the heroic version, I think he does the laser blasts from 60% down to 45%. You have to watch his animations and when he extends his arms, plants his feet, and you see 3 blinking white dots in a pattern, you have to run to his left or right to avoid the laser.
  10. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    Far easiest solution (imo) is to stand right in front of him, right on his feet. (and your merc/groupmate too). That way you know with absolute certainty which way he's going to fire (at you). Then, when he charges up, simply run forward, through him (and follow through, don't just stop as soon as you are right behind him, give him some room).

    This way you have a completely predictable firing direction, and a minimal distance to safety (well behind him).
  11. Guiscard Active Member

    I give up - I can't do it. It is too difficult for me. I get the message in red. and then some missiles come and I am wiped out. I am sick and tired of dying. I get him on the steps - and those black and yellow balls just fill them room. I can survive those but them comes this magnetic missile and it kills me every time. I have no idea how to avoid it= no matter what I do I am dead. SO I am just sick and tired of it. I would rather development gave a simple solo with less points or rewards or something for those of us that just can move our character around.

    Also I play in first person. I simply can't play in 3rd person - I have tried and it is really too difficult. And honestly at 80 I am not going to try 3rd person.

    But I want to thank everyone for trying to help me.
  12. Leeroy 16 year vet. Forum lurker. Altaholic.

    Are you on AB server? If so, I'll assist you. Let me know.
  13. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    And I will gladly help if you are on Everfrost.
  14. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    You know that the black "balls" slow you down and the yellow speed you up, right? When you turn and run, aim for the nearest yellow ball and avoid the black and you should make it to the opposite side of the room before the missiles get you.

    There are solo instances in AoM. The scripting bits seem to be a bigger focus for AoM, however. You'll still find yourself having to run back and forth to certain places in various instances.

    Anyway, I'm impressed to see that you're playing EQ2 at the age of 80 (I'm assuming you were referring to your age and not level!), regardless of which viewpoint you play in.
  15. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    There was an idea behind Nexus Core, and there was a reason it was 'first'. The idea was, that it was a zone that was not so dependent on gear, but instead upon player actions. Instead of being a gear-check of any kind, it was a dance contest. People with any gear level could come in, complete it, and start getting gear, especially crit chance weapons. And undergeared toons could move through a zone in the questline without a gear check.

    It was the very essence of 'seemed like a good idea at the time'. In retrospect, it didn't work out nearly as well in practice as it did in theory.
  16. Guiscard Active Member

    I am on Guk -if anyone can help me on Guk I would appreciate it. Yes 80 is my actual age.