Lost my 10 year merc

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Hakkif, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. Hakkif New Member

    I've played EQ2 since it came out so I qualified for the 10 year merc and got it. I paid the 100 SC's to keep it. I heard about the elite mercs and thought "Wow, I gotta have one of them!" so I hired a tracker merc and after about a week I found Perrin hiding in a cave and hired him. POOOF, my 10 year merc disappeared off my list. Was this a bug or is that what's gonna happen when folks get an elite merc? To be honest it wasn't a fair trade, but that's an opinion. If in fact it's not a bug Sony needs to warn everyone.
  2. Rhyashaa Member

    Sounds like it might be a bug in your custom UI and you should update it.

    If you paid the 100SC to be able to hire him anywhere, he shouldn't have disappeared off the list. The good news is though that you can just go to Q or FP and rehire him. But pay the 100SC to keep Perrin before doing so if he's one of the elite mercs that randomly spawn.
  3. Hakkif New Member

    I do not use a custom UI. I haven't check but I'm sure the 10 year merc is back at the place I hired him. But what happens when I hire him and POOOOF I lose Perrin. Do you know someone who has both Perrin (or any other elite mercs) and the 10 year merc? And while we are on the subject can you have all 3 of the elite mers?
  4. Deago Well-Known Member

    My main has all three elites all paid for (100sc) and they can be swapped etc...

    What does that mean? Nothing because elites are nothing more then a status symbol currently. They pose no amazing function as they may have prior to ToV

    Hope they get boosts etc...
  5. Finora Well-Known Member

    You have to pay the 100SC unlock for any you want to keep available on the fly and not have to head back to a city for or in the case of elites search again for.

    If you look on the mercenary tab on your character window you will see two lists available below the area where your current mercenary is listed.

    If you paid 100SC to unlock a mercenary, that particular mercenary should appear under the " Hire Anywhere" part of the window. If you want to be able to switch between multiple mercenaries without going back to rehire the you have to pay to unlock all of them for the hire anywhere. Once you do that you can click choose which one you are going to have summoned and active at any point.
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