Looking for some things I saw in the Haunted Houses

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Airos, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Airos Active Member

    I'm looking for two specific paintings, one I saw in the Freeport haunted house, the other I saw in the Loping Plains house.

    This is the painting in the Loping Plains house.

    The second painting I didn't think to grab a screenshot of, and I'm locked out of the Freeport haunted house until tomorrow. It's of a Fae, the kind with the sorta mermaid tail. It's one of the ones that need to be straightened out in the first room. I can grab a screenshot of it tomorrow if anyone is unsure which painting I'm referring to.

    Are either of these available either for purchase or through crafting?

    I'm also looking for doors, specifically any door that properly fits in the Uncanny Estate. I see that the player house is modeled after the haunted house in the Loping Plains, and the doors there are properly shaped for the doorways. Any way I can get those or something similar?

    Thanks in advance for any help. :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Afista Well-Known Member

    The first painting was/is? in game. It was available as a LoN loot card, but I'm not seeing it as a current choice anymore. It was called Painting:Queen Cristanos. But, you can check the LoN loot page here and it's no longer listed as an item from that deck. I don't follow LoN... so no clue when a change happened or why it happened. Maybe it was promo related to the new deck launch? Maybe someone will know :p

    The only other mermaid one I can think of was another LoN item, but it's no longer available: Painting: Kelpmaiden Mermaid. I don't think that's the one in the haunted house though, so it's probably a pic that's not in game, but I'm really not sure which pic you might be referring to atm.

    And +1 for the request for doors to the Uncanny Estate. I was thinking that a couple days ago when I ran the quest :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Airos Active Member

    Dang. I don't play LoN, so I'm not likely to get my hands on that first one.

    What I meant for the second painting was a Fairy, but the ones without legs.
    One of these, but I think it was kinda yellowish.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Finora Well-Known Member

    Believe the painting you are talking about shows up about halfway down the first page of this thread.

    Sadly it's not in game yet. Hopefully it'll show up. Several other things people asked for in that thread did make it into game.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    The first painting is "Queen Christianos", which was a Legends of Norrath loot card. I just went and looked through the LON website but can't find which pack this was in.

    The second one is probably "Daughter of the Void", sold by City Merchants in Qeynos and Freeport.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Airos Active Member

    Yep, that's the one.


    ...okay, there's yellow in the painting. That's yellow...ish. :p

    I keep forgetting that I want Daughter of the Void. Don't I need to be a guild member to buy that one? I probably should join a guild at some point...

    Thanks for the replies, everyone! Any chance anyone knows about a door that fits properly in the Uncanny Estates?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Galldora Well-Known Member

    The LON painting, Queen Cristanos, does still appear to be available in-game if you set up a trade in LON. There is also one listed for trade, but the person wants quite a few booster packs for it. That has always been the case with that particular painting, however. It was in the Inquisitor card set, and as far as I can tell it should still be there since I can set up a trade and ask for it. Don't know why it no longer shows up on the LON website though.

    BTW, you don't actually have to play LON to get loot cards. If you have a gold account, you get five packs a month with your account. You just need to sign into LON, and it used to be that you needed to make a purchase first. I think an event pass for a dollar did it, or one booster pack. I don't know for sure if that is required anymore, though. The packs you get are not tradeable, but you can select whatever set of cards you want, so if you wanted a painting from a particular set you could get all your booster packs each month from that set.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Airos Active Member

    Thank your for the info! I'm only a silver member at the moment, and from what I've read silver members no longer get their 1 free booster pack each month. Since I'm not likely to play LoN, I probably won't be spending SC to grab booster packs off the marketplace. It's good to know that the painting/card is still available, so if I'm able to snag myself a gold membership for Christmas I'll have a better chance of getting my hands on one.

    Now if they could just go ahead and add the Fairy painting into the game...and some friggin doors... :D
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Doors we've got, at least to an extent...but if you mean non-SC ones, that's trickier, have to go to the City Festivals for those. :-/

    Someday we might get something in Carpenter recipes; that would be cool (Elm Door, Maple Door, Teak Door, etc.). ;->

    who still doesn't understand why the City Festival doors usually look nothing at all like any of the doors in the city zones they're being sold in... :-/
  10. Airos Active Member

    Oh, yes, there are lots of doors available. I'm looking for a door that is properly shaped for the Uncanny Estate player house. The Neriak door almost fits, but by the time I get the thing scaled up, the sides of the door are clipping through the doorframe.

    I wonder if I could shove a stained glass tile at the top of the doorway vertically and then use a square door at a smaller scale... lol nope. Even a wood divider doesn't want to center properly in the doorframe.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Sigh...ouch. Still don't get why we can't have proper doors available, somehow, for all the houses? Not everyone wants a clear visual shot all the way through their house. :-/

    Airos and Karrane like this.
  12. Airos Active Member

    Indeed. If I had even the faintest clue how to properly work in a 3D modeling enviroment, I'd put my money where my mouth is and whip up something for the Player Studio. After all, that's what it took for the Halflings to finally get their doors.

    Granted, I've been pondering the Mistmoore Craigs Estate lately, as I've built up a fair number of Loyalty Tokens, and as a Silver member I can't trade them in for plat. I may take another tour of that property and examine the doorways with a more decerning eye.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.