looking for raid

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Davngr, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Davngr Well-Known Member

    have a few characters i'd be willing to raid with if the times are acceptable:

    assassin: http://u.eq2wire.com/soe/character_detail/871879829893
    beastlord: http://u.eq2wire.com/soe/character_detail/446679168614
    wizard: http://u.eq2wire.com/soe/character_detail/871878764348

    or maybe others if the times and progression are good.

    my assassin has the best gear and most experience raiding, top 3 parser easy once equally geared. beastlord is probably the second best geared experience and wiz would need lots of upgrades and a couple of weeks to get back into wiz mode.