Looking for people to level with

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by quester770, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. quester770 Member

    I have a 75th level toon I'm trying to level, my guild is pretty much a tradeskillers guild, so I don't usually have anyone to quest/XP with, is anyone interested? I'm not looking for a new guild, just people to group with. Apparently no one uses the LFG finder on Nagafen
  2. quester770 Member

    Well, is there a good way to find toons for groups then on nagafen?
  3. Ifava New Member

    Just find me in the game IFAVA
  4. Trasor Active Member

    I may group up and level up a toon from scratch, not sure which class you are. What classes are you guys sporting, willing to ground up level a toon!
  5. Trasor Active Member

    I wanted to try a scout or a berserker!