Looking for a sig .. please read

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by ARCHIVED-SisterTheresa, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-SisterTheresa Guest

    Hello. I am looking for a sig that shows my characters I play, ya know the flippy moveable kind.
    Sadly all those that I see here seem to be not taking new orders (and I understand with RL, I am going through some troubles myself right now)
    If there is any other artists here who can show my their work (website etc) and would be interested in talking with me through e-mails about a comission let me know.
    FYI I have no qualms about paying a donation for the work. Good work and time deserves such. (that can be worked out in due time)
    PM me on these boards and/or drop a link here. Thanks.
  2. ARCHIVED-SisterTheresa Guest

    Still looking. Even a PM just so i can give you details would work as well. DOn't be shy!
  3. ARCHIVED-Kethaera Guest

    The reason we ask that you contact us, is that we don't know if another artist has contacted you already or not. We could spend quite a bit of time working on a sig for you, then find out that someone else has already done it, and our time was wasted. Most of us put quite a bit of work into these, and our only reward is seeing you use our work.

    That said, I currently have nothing on my plate, so if you like my work, feel free to contact me on the thread linked, by PM, or by email. Some other people that I believe are still taking requests are Crescendo, Kikimora, Namahree, Sapphirius, Kedo, Akyashaa. Please see their individual threads for how to contact them, and apologies if I got anyone's name or request status wrong. I know it's confusing since the author of the stickied sig artist thread is no longer with us.
  4. ARCHIVED-SisterTheresa Guest

    Okay I see.
    I sent some PMs out but never got any answers, so my mind then came here to post next.
    I will take a look around and see what I like.
  5. ARCHIVED-Disaronno Guest

    Kethaera wrote:
    Nicely put, and yes I'm around however I tend to be a bit slow in getting them done for I take my time and do several drafts. *small smile*
  6. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    You might want to try emails rather than PMs. Most artists, like me, don't hop onto the forums very often, so we include an email address in our signature thread for contact information. And, yes, Kathaera worded it perfectly. It is somewhat discouraging for us to put time and effort into a signature only to find out that another artist has done one... especially seeing as these are done on our own personal time without charge to the requester.