Longterm Bug: Level 90 sage made notebooks

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Katz, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Katz Well-Known Member

    In hopes of having this addressed I am starting this thread and including screenshots to illustrate the problem.
    First a link to an old thread: old report of bug

    The problem is as follows:

    Sages make an item called notebook that is both functional and decorative. It is a house place-able book that can be written in. They get the ability to craft those via an in game quest. The notebook recipes are found in each tier.

    All notebooks can be written in EXCEPT the level 90 notebooks. The level 90 notebooks are called Bear Hide Notebook and Reptile Hide Notebook.

    I feel sure that these were supposed to be functional too rather than just decorative. I think it was a mistake rather than a conscious decision to just have them decorative. If I am incorrect and it was a conscious decision, I suggest a name change so that people purchasing notebooks on the broker not be mislead that the last two function the same is the other tiers of notebooks. Perhaps call it decorative notebook.

    I'm sure this is a mistake that has simply been overlooked. Here are some screenshots:

    Below is a list showing all of the sage made notebooks. Only the last two in the list cannot be written in. Every other one can be written in.

    [IMG]list of notebooks by Katz McKatz, on Flickr

    Here is the examine window comparing the books that can be written in with the two that can't be written in:
    [IMG]notebookexamine by Katz McKatz, on Flickr

    Here is the edit window for the ones that can be written in:
    [IMG]editiblenotebook by Katz McKatz, on Flickr
    suka likes this.
  2. suka Well-Known Member

    yeah we asked about this before and kind of got ignored.
  3. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    but has it been /bugged? I'm sure this will get some attention, with it's good titling, but if it hasn't been bugged, it might get overlooked here.

    Looking at EQ2Traders (towards the bottom of the page), I wonder if they were intentionally left this way. That's something that clearly went in with the launch of the recipe.
  4. suka Well-Known Member

    yes i did - on several toons on several accounts

    and if this were their intentions, then, with all the other books in the game it was the waste of a recipe. if i remember correctly though, that recipe was added as an afterthought in the level 90 recipe books
  5. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Well I just peeked at the data and I don't see how they make an item into a player-written book. Must be a hidden flag.
  6. suka Well-Known Member

    yeah. one they either neglected to add to these or decided not to add.
  7. Feldon Well-Known Member

  8. Kaitheel Developer

    I don't tend to wander around the Tradeskill section of the forums (as this isn't my area of expertise), but this thread was just brought to my attention, and lo and behold - it was an issue that I could resolve!

    I have submitted the following change, but I am not sure when it will reach live servers. When it does, the following change should be listed in the update notes:
    • Reptile Hide Notebook and Bear Hide Notebook are now working properly to be player-made books, and can be read, or written in.
    ~ Kaitheel
    Lucus, Kuulei, Avahlynn and 7 others like this.
  9. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    Happy dances around her room! Thank you for fixing this. Hope we get new notebooks with the new tradeskill stuff coming in expansion (I did lots of feedbacks for ideas of possible notebooks which maybe could be added with new expansion ones *crosses fingers and toes*).
  10. suka Well-Known Member

    thanks so very, very much
  11. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for this fix Kaitheel.
  12. Katz Well-Known Member

    Yay! Thanks Kaitheel.

    And also thanks to whomever brought it to your attention. :D
    Feldon likes this.
  13. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    Good job drawing attention to it with the title and post. ;) Some people take that for granted and wonder why threads get no responses. :p
    Shmogre and suka like this.
  14. Katz Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I tried to put myself in their shoes and think about what would be useful to them and make it as clear and easy as possible.
    suka likes this.
  15. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Thank you sooo much! You=awesomeness.
    Deveryn likes this.
  16. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    The fix is in! (for tomorrow's patch)
    Katz likes this.
  17. Katz Well-Known Member

    Crafted a book just to check this out today. Yep, it's totally fixed. Thanks again!
    Spindle, Deveryn and Avahlynn like this.
  18. suka Well-Known Member

    the ones that were crafted before the fix are not fixed. I tried to write in one tonight and it didn't offer me to read it the way the others did. it only offered me to examine it or place it.
  19. Katz Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is only newly crafted ones that you can write in.
  20. suka Well-Known Member

    kk i can understand not making it retroactive.