Login/gameplay issue

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by ARCHIVED-Gnobrin, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gnobrin Guest

    There's presently an issue with login. The issue is being investigated and shall be resolved as soon as possible!
    Very sorry for the trouble, all!

  2. ARCHIVED-Gnobrin Guest

    The issue was thought to be resolved, but due to server locks and other troubles now going on, it seems that the "all clear" was sounded too soon. The mechanics are tinkering as I speak, in hopes of getting the server beasts up and rolling once again!

  3. ARCHIVED-Gnobrin Guest

    If you find that you're still having issue and are only seeing test server and pvp test server, log out and restart your system. This seems to be occurring to a very few, and there's presently (from what the tech gnomes are sayin') nothing wrong with the servers nor login.
