Living Dead ... or resurrection failure.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ardrek, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Ardrek Member

    it's about the 3rd time I've been resurrected during a fight and .... I accepted and ... I'm not dead ... just mostly dead.

    I can't be killed because I'm not alive.
    I can't be resurrected again because I'm not dead... although my character is laying on the floor like he dead.
    I can't move or cast spells.
    I can't camp, I have to leave the game without camping and then re-login and everything is fine.

    Very annoying to have to log all the way out to get your character back.
  2. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    You've been feigned dead, sounds like. A few classes have the ability.
    You don't have to log out, though.
    Just hit "x" (default) to stand back up.
    Deveryn likes this.
  3. Avirodar Well-Known Member

    In my first test, I feigned myself, and exited the game without camping.
    When I got back into the game, feign death was still in effect. So the OP is not feigning himself (or relogging wouldn't fix it)

    In my second test, a group member feigned me, and I exited the game without camping.
    When I got back into the game, the effect was gone. Sounds very much like the complaint from the OP.

    However, the OP specified that they were dead, and that they accepted a rez... So that leaves 3 possibilities...
    - A flawlessly timed joke by a group member (immediately FDing when he gets rezzed)
    - Wrong information was presented by the OP (assumptions)
    - There is an actual problem with their character being rezzed.

    Who knows, maybe the OP is grouped with a Bruiser running Altruism on them? That could play some funny tricks on people if they still die despite being feigned (to an AE or something). Getting rezzed and still being feigned? Just another reason to distrust any leather wearing class in EQ2!!