List your classes outdated/broken aas to be fixed/updated

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Xavion, Feb 10, 2024.

  1. Xavion Well-Known Member

    Wanted to get a nice thread going to compile all the outdated aa nodes for various classes that need to be fixed or updated. try and post location of the aa, the name, and the current description. and what is wrong or why its outdated.


    --heroic tree--
    confidence (current: improves reuse speed of shadow furor and stone wall)
    (fix: it needs to affect base reuse as atm its just regular reuse speed which if you have 100% this aa does nothing)

    enhance: aura of the crusader (current: improves reuse speed of aura of crusader)
    ( fix: make it affect base reuse same problem as confidence aa)

    resilience ( improves healing received by 0.50% a pt) ( fix: would be much better if this was 5% a pt)

    --shadows tree--

    knights stance ( current: gives 5 weapon bonus dmg a pt if you use a shield and one hander)
    ( fix: 50 weapon bonus dmg and weapon bonus dmg overcap per pt and maybe 25 dps per pt)

    rancorous spite (current: give 3% pot mod per pt for malice) ( fix: change this to 15 effectiveness per pt)

    swinging strike (current: give 3% pot mod per pt for painbringer, overpower, etc ) ( fix: change this to 15 effectiveness per pt)

    battle hardening (current: reduces dmg by 66.9 per pt) ( fix: give it updated dmg amount or a flat % damage reduction)

    Phalanx( current: gives 3% block per pt) ( fix: would be cool if it could give a bonus % to wary protection for shields)
    SolarFaire likes this.