Library of Mayong

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Amana, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    [p]Have to say i'm pretty intrigued by the collection Mayong has collected. Deffinately wish I could "Borrow" a couple of his books. (Books are color coded showing what belongs with what)[/p][p]This book is newly bound, and seems to be a collection of Zebuxoruk's prophecies as told to the monks of the Whistling Fist in the Tower of the Four Winds. Notes are scribbled in the margins in clean penmanship.[/p][p]1. Once more, her allies will give rise to the thought of life anew. "Definitely a reference to Tunare. The presence of growth in the Lesser Faydark is undeniable." [/p][p]2. The hissing of the serpent shall strike back at this world with unexpected ferocity. "Unknown at this time. Perhaps more to be uncovered in the future? -SV" [/p][p]3. Those who toil in eternity shall find riches in the dusk of time. "Likely a simple proverb. I can't imagine this being more... -SV"[/p][p]4. Forever the commander he has now risen in rank to play his part in ages end. "I wonder if this is Lucan or Rallos? The wording is not clear enough to make a solid prediction. -SV"[/p][p]5. In the guise of harmony the mirror is flipped and chaos walks among us. "I have no idea at this time. Chaos? Guise of harmony? Makes little sense to me. -SV" [/p][p]6. Those from below shall attempt to further their agenda below the throne of Brell. "Most assuredly the ratonga. Our network of informants has indicated that they are up to something in the ancient dwarven halls of Kaladim. -SV"[/p][p]7. Cleft in twine at the dawn of time, the two shall stand once more in a united front against that which brings the end. "Ahh, this is your favorite, my master. I believe this will be very crucial to your research. I trust you already know what this references. -SV" [/p][p]8. From realms below and beyond the lord of darkness shall return to play his part in destiny. "Ahh, my master! You are indeed referenced in the fallen one's ramblings! -SV" [/p][p]9. The orbs are not so great as the crimson lord might have you believe but they are powerful. Beware service in his name. "Feh. Nagafen and the eggs of his brood. This is of little use to us. -SV"[/p][p]10. She who represents the forbidden two shall begin the march of fate. "I am at a loss to explain this reference. -SV" [/p][p]11. Etched in stone, the first key from dawn shall be revealed. "Another line of great import, I believe. This may reference the stone which you have been researching. -SV" [/p][p]12. The age of the dragons is waning though they know it not. Seek now your fortune in the affairs of the other mortal races. "And the Claws will get their due. Though I believe 'mortal races' to be a mistake. Obviously the ungod forgets us. -SV"[/p][p]13. The Nine shall return and face the end. "And the true key. We just do not know the ninth. I trust you will find the information though. -SV"[/p][p]The great tactician Thuzal sought long a group of warriors dedicated enough to follow commands no matter the cries of his enemies. It's been said that his depraved mind finally found the answer to his riddle in sound - he deafened his elite legion before battle, and sent them in against the ranks of his opponent's support ranks. The cries of the opposing army's warriors fell on deaf ears as the legion set themselves with fury upon those least prepared for the assault.[/p][p]The Dogs of War have roamed the plains for decades untold under the watch of the steely gaze of Mistmoore's cold spires. The only refuge for those seeking shelter from their slavering jaws is a rare herb, Tunarian Wolfsbane.[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    Amana wrote:
    Ah; I think I finally largely understand what these two mean. I believe both these prophesies are refferencing the Stone of the Shissar. Between the stuff that's popped up in the Tunarian Throne Room, and the old book about the Stone in Nek Castle (both of which I've covered more in other threads), I'm positive we're going to see these two prophesies play out in the relatively near future.
  3. ARCHIVED-Controlor Guest

    These are just my interpretations / guesses of this. It also seems some had already occured, while some seem to be occuring now or soon.
  4. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Wrapye Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    One thing to note if some fail to see it is the quotes with -SV at the end are i'm guessing the Sage in Mayong's employ. Those quotes arn't made by me in a futile attempt to seem like a lore master. :p:XD:
    As for number 5 prophecy I deffinately believe it is the creatures of the void Zub. is talking about. As for "The Mirror" reference that I have a small idea about. Perhaps these creatures are indeed from another dimension that is similar to Norrath, but alien in origin. Still doesn't explain what they are here for or their motives. :(
    9 and 12 deffinately seem intertwined with me wondering if Nagafen will play a part in the downfall of his own race. Funny thing is 9 says "Beware Service In His Name" which could mean 2 things. First could mean all of us who could be possibly "Pawns" in his game of awakening his brood. However why would he say "The orbs are not so great as the crimson lord might have you believe but they are powerful."?
    Another thing is the "Beware Service In His Name" could mean the arbiter. Some of us have thought the Arbiter is really a shadowedbeing taken over the droag's body. Wouldn't be surprised if it is indeed Nagafen that is being led around on a leash all for the sake of his beloved Lady Vox.
    Weird thing is number 13 and where -SV states "And the true key. We just do not know the ninth.". Who are the other 8 then and what do they stand against? Always thought Zub. was talking about the deities that have returned so far but with RoK it will put us over 9. What else could be within the 9?
  7. ARCHIVED-Controlor Guest

    *Amana* aye i never thought it was you trying to crack the codes i figured it was a servant of Mayong. Simply because he refers to Mayong as master in a few parts. I was just trying to take my own personal crack at it. *Cusa* Yah your prob right about the Soulfire and Claymore being the 2. I thought i had read somewhere that the twins were having a spat and i am to lazy to look for it again so will conceed that to your guess at being the twin swords.
  8. ARCHIVED-Talonmare Guest

    [p]Is it possible that #7 actually refers to the Light and Dark Elves?[/p][p] These two races of elves were cleft in twine at the dawn of time.[/p][p] Mayong and the Princess seem to have forged a new arrangement, and while Mayong is not exactly a "dark elf" he is certainly closer to the dark than the light.[/p][p] Mayong's research into recreating other life forms, and his plans for the new high elves (of which I think things like the Myrdal are a side effect) could be seen as an attempt to return the elves to their former racial purity (standing as one and all that).[/p][p] Finally, the events in the Tunarian Throne Room dealing with Luclin make me wonder about the old rumor of the Sleeper causing the Shattering. More than one person has believed that the Sleeper now Awakened was to bring the end. [/p][p] Combine this with SV's comments and it almost makes sense. If nothing else, I haven't seen anything which leads me to believe Soulfire and the Qeynos Claymore are coming together to do anything anytime soon.[/p][p] Just a thought...[/p]
  9. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    Cesia@Mistmoore wrote:
    Looking at everything I've seen and heard about the Throne Room, I have the feeling that the key to what we're supposed to be taking from there is twofold. First is a book that's apparently in one of the versions of the Throne Room, that is one of the Everling books about the Stone of the Shissar and the Runes of Ethernere and Sunder. Second is the image of Luclin itself, which depicts it in the middle of a gigantic spiral of light. Now it could just be a coincidense, but the Rune of Sunder is also described as being a spiral.

    Combined with the fact that the Shissar were the first to discover this Rune; and the fact that they were living on Luclin; is making me seriously consider that it may actually have been the Shissar, not Kerafrym or the Dresolisk, that destroyed Luclin. Additionally, the Stone of the Shissar is supposed to be in the ruins of Chelsith, the old Shissar captial on Kunark; so I have the feeling that we're going to learn the truth of Luclin's destruction in RoK.
  10. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    You might just be onto something there.
  11. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    Wonder if any of the Shissar are still around and if they have plans to reform Luclin. Always heard it was Kerafyrm that destroyed Luclin, but reading what you say that could be doubtful. We got this information from Darathar and I wouldn't be surprised if he was just spinning us a "tall tale" to rope us in.
  12. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    Amana wrote:
    The big problem with whole Kerafyrm theory for me was its source: Nagafen and Darathar; neither of which are typically depicted as entirely trustworthy. Also, what reason would Kerafyrm have for wanting to destroy Luclin? I'd always liked the theory that Sol Ro and Rallos did it with the Dresolisk, but even that idea has problems; mostly being the roughly 175 year gap between the invasion of the Nexus and the Shattering. One would imagine that if they wanted Luclin destroyed, they could have just teleported-in the gem, detonated it, and been done with the whole thing.

    As for the Shissar still being around; well, if they did destroy Luclin, I would imagine that they wouldn't have done it without some sort of escape plan. So I imagine we'll run into them again eventually.
  13. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    Mirander_1 wrote:
    The only "plausible" explanation I can see why Kerafyrm destroyed Luclin was by accident. Other than that it could have only been done as a "Demonstration" of his power to followers. With Kerafyrm being as strong as he is depicted I wouldn't doubt him destroying something on a whim because "He could".
    The Shissar story coupled with your idea sounds more plausible. What's even better is if they did it in order to "Hide" their existance while they recouped. Deffinately have to agree that they wouldn't destroy Luclin without an escape plan.
  14. ARCHIVED-Zygwen Guest

    If anyone plans to put Luclin back together, it would be the Goddess Luclin.
  15. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    Wonder if the Shissar would try to ally with Luclin to gain more power?
  16. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    [p] Given the Akheva's malevolence towards outsiders, I'd say no. Luclin created the Akheva, an immortal (cannot die of old age, and even come back as shades when they die) androgynous (only High Priestess Aten Ha Ra had breasts. Everyone else looked neutral right down the line) race of four-armed beings. They considered it heresy to learn the common tongue, or to speak anything other than thier own sacred "Fleshless Tongue". Rumor had it that Vex Thall, the Akhevan fortress-turned-main city is where the entrance to the Plane of Shadow resides.[/p][p]If the Shissar were to try to contact her, I would imagine they'd have to go through the Akheva to get to her, and they wouldn't exactly welcome them into thier home. Not to mention, the Shissar didn't believe in the existance of other gods. They're the "Ancient Egyptian" culture on Norrath, just as how the Gnolls represent Native Americans. They believed that Emperor Ssraeshza was a god himself, just as Egyptians believed thier Pharoahs to be.[/p]
  17. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    Zygwen wrote:
    Call it a gut feeling, but I'd say that's a pretty big 'if'. I'd place my money on Luclin remaining a post-apocalyptic fireball in the sky for the life of the game.

    To continue adding to the whole 'the Shissar did it' theory, I think the Stone also holds the secret to how they could escape Luclin's destruction with the spires disabled. Not only does the Stone hold the Rune of Sunder (which, I'd presume, sunders things), but also the Rune of Vul, which allows travel to the Void.

    So, that brings together the last piece of my current theory about Luclin: The Shissar destroyed it with the Rune of Sunder, and then escaped into the Void with the Rune of Vul. We might learn more in future Live Updates, but I think the next big break in this story will come when we can travel to Kunark, and explore the ruins of Chelsith. Then, we'll probably be able to look forward to an expansion, adventure pack, or patch, that will bring us into the Void proper, where we'll find the Shissar...probably plotting evil.

  18. ARCHIVED-Jait Guest

    Mirander_1 wrote:
    Makes sense.
    Or maybe it was used to fracture the void itself?
    Just a thought :wink:
  19. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    Jait@Venekor wrote:
    Seeing that for some reason I keep thinking about that old theory that the Shadowedmen are really the Shissar transcended.
  20. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    Another thought on this prophesy. After reading some spoilers from the SoD quest on this thread, I think the stone referenced here is actually the stone that Queen Lenya holds that is placed into the Tunarian throne to show the Luclin image. The gem focuses light from the sky (perhaps "from dawn," as the prophesy suggests), and the prohet Elizerain's prophesies are supposed to be encased (or "etched") into the stone.