Levels: are we done at 100?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Meirril, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Raff Well-Known Member

    I'm all for new expansions and as many levels as they want to add. Though this time, like the time before last, I think I'll give it a couple of years. So I can come back to the game 2 expansions behind and avoid all the vitriol in the forums about (insert current expansion name).

    CoE and ToV were rather nice once all the hoopla had died down. I started AoM at the beginning though.
  2. Brac Member

    There are a couple different things I see at play here.

    1. Gear becomes increasingly difficult to scale up from one expansion to another if you don't reset it once in awhile with a new level cap.

    2. New expansions that are built only around gear and AA's of some sort have always felt more shallow to me than ones that have level cap increases. I think they are built differently with a different play style in mind so for instance the overland zones tend to be smaller in scale.

    3. A cynic in me wonders if SOE might look at new levels as a much better revenue source than just a expansion without one. I'm sure Station Cash consumption with a new cap for things like potions and spell upgrades is way more than for a expansion without level cap increases. You can be sure those spending trends won't go unnoticed.
  3. Sarai New Member

    I'd totally be ok with the cap never going past 100. I haven't done the adventuring part yet but the ts leveling was awful and boring to the extreme. Even with having CoE, ToV. and AoM crafting quests to do because I was behind in expacs, I still had a lot of grind to get to 100.
    Feldon likes this.
  4. Clash Member

    I'm behind on the quests also. Doing those took me from 95 to 97. The rush orders barely give anything now. It's worse grinding TS levels than adventure levels.