Level 75 Mage pet

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Sir Alex, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Sir Alex Guest

    Can we please just have one pet. I hate the fact that the pet is gender based. this is stupid. No other necro pet has been that way. Grim Terror, Nightshade all not gender based. I was actuly looking forward to a badass female black widow Drider kicking *** all over RoK not the pathetic looking male version.
  2. ARCHIVED-Eviljoe2 Guest

    Sir Alex wrote:
    I too find this odd. I have a male necro, so I will get the female anyway. But the Nightshade did not come up as a male when a female cast it did it? I think the female is a better choice for a big scary spider because of the whole "black widow" thing. The male black widows are kind of gimpy and get eaten by the females...lol
  3. ARCHIVED-Lordtwiz Guest

    I agree completely.
    Here's a thought:
    Have you tried using any Nylph's series of spells and then casting the pet? Nylph's Misty Image has a male character model. It probably won't make a difference but worth a shot.
  4. ARCHIVED-Zald Guest

    Lordtwiz wrote:
    Yes... It doesn't matter. If you char is female you get the male pet in gold lamee armor... if your pet is male you get the butch female spider.
    Doesn't matter what illusions or affects you have on your character at the time you make the pet.

    I like the idea of diversity... but the male spider just doesn't look that impressive. Maybe if they made it BIGGER, it'd look for threatening. But in all honesty, the female spider just looks more casterish... the male models just don't come across as casters at all... besides the fact they look kinda "gay".
  5. ARCHIVED-KBern Guest

    Eviljoe2 wrote:
    The thing I find hilarious is SOE cannot win with this. I remember back people were complaining that the Nightshade was female. Some wanted a male. Now people complain that they get the opposite sex, but we all know 90% of the woman toons are men anyway so now they want the female back lol.
    They could do what they do for the paladin squire....random male or female each time it is cast.
    But I have the female so I have no issues with the way it is now.

    another problem. i was able to get the master1 mage pet last night and it looks EXACTLY the same as the adept 3 version. it really really sucks.
  7. ARCHIVED-Jolemai Guest

    Maybe if they just implemented a choice to have one or the other when you scribe the spell?
    Or maybe a house item/ fun spell that allowed you to switch between the two whenever you fancied...
  8. ARCHIVED-TheChrimsonGhost Guest

    Could just be a / command like /petname.../petsex
  9. ARCHIVED-Yaskel Guest

    The people who complain are man-gina's lol!
  10. ARCHIVED-Chaosonia Guest

    I know it's been two years since this thread has seen the light of day, but I had to poke it anyway...
    I've finally gotten my level 75 mage pet mastered, hoping that when it was scribed, it would change my somewhat lame looking male pet into the kick @!#$ female black widow model. But low and behold... the same exact MALE model as my expert version.
    Ok... so problem one. All of the mastered versions of the pet spells have resulted in much cooler looking models then the adepts or experts. Except the one I will be using the rest of my Necro career??? Why?
    Problem two. Why am I penalized from having the cool female mage pet just because my character is female? I'm a girl (yes we do exist on the internet *smirk*) and I like the female models... if I didn't I would have probably rolled up a male character in the first place. No other necro pet is gender based, and it is just silly that this one is. It's bad enough that I'm stuck with male minions for 90% of my gaming experience as it is, why am I forced to have an alternate mage pet model just because of my gender?
    At least give the players an option as to which gender pet to use. It can even be a one time option... a permanant spell that changes the pet's model. I know it can be done... the petmorph wands do just that, only on a temporary basis.
    I know this message will likely fall back into the depths of the forums without anything changing, but I just had to say something. Game options should be consistant throughout the game... not suddenly change when a player reaches the endgame. Players should either have the same pet models irregardless of gender, or they should at least be allowed to choose what model they would like to select.
  11. ARCHIVED-korruptidsoul Guest

    Chaosonia wrote:
    1. Don't be overly short sighted. This is not the last pet for your Necro career. Even casual players are getting their mythical weapons fairly regularly now. This will grant you a Master IV version of your pet in a FEMALE model regardless of the sex of your character and she looks even cooler than the standard female drachnid mage.
    2. February will bring us a new round of pets and hopefully this issue will be addressed further at that point.

    Keep up the posts and let's ensure we're all heard, but don't make a bigger deal out of it than it actually is or it's just considered whining and will continuously be overlooked.