level 100 = Planes of Power!

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Chilly420, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Chilly420 Guest

    This may be a bit premature. But think its a good time to get the ball rolling for next year. I cant think of a better expansion to raise the levels to 100 then the best expansion of eq1 revamped in eq2. Planes of Power!
  2. ARCHIVED-Teslora Guest

    Dooh@Permafrost wrote:
    Sorry they said DoV comes in two parts. Next year will be DoV part 2
  3. ARCHIVED-Stainky Guest

    Surely not all of the Shissar are dead!!
  4. ARCHIVED-Wolphin Guest

    just say NO to PoP
  5. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    The Gods aren't going to make the same mistake twice. we went rampaging through thier homes and killing them in thier planes, adn that cuased them some major issues. they have the ability to keep us out now. we get 'shards' of thier realm..places they either don't care about, couldn't close off, or are under the control of demigods. and evern then they have shut us out of the rest of the plane.
    I imagine what we're going to see is Velious 1, Velious 2, and then all the lost islands in the shattered lands. places like Highpass, Kithicor, the unkempt woods...the straights of the twelve, things like that.
  6. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    Since it was already stated at Fan Faire that they are NOT going to do Planes of Power, your thread title is misleading at best.
  7. ARCHIVED-Mugen666 Guest

    Spectre@Unrest wrote:
    Was it officially stated that part two is going to be a separate expansion? Last I heard (admittedly, it was shortly after Fan Faire), the developers had hinted that part two was going to be a series of updates - not a separate release.

    That being said, I'm fairly certain the Planes of Power won't be making an appearance in EverQuest II.
  8. ARCHIVED-dawy Guest

    On a purely personal level they'd be pushing it if DoV was a 2 parter though the way things have gone i suspect thats exactally the way it will go
  9. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    I know it doesn't make any sense, but the old-school NES/SNES RPG gamer in me secretly hopes that they'll cap out at level 99.
    But no, I certainly hope they don't do Planes of Power. It was a terribly designed expansion that simply piled even MORE zone access restrictions upon the players until many guilds weren't even playing the same game as their peers. Plus, I find planar expansions kinda lame, they are just randomly-chosen zones without any sense of place. I prefer exploring actual planes, rather than "Scary Nightmare Zone", "Happy Peaceland Zone", and "Classic Greek Element Zone."
  10. ARCHIVED-Zaldor Guest

    Knives@Everfrost wrote:
    On the webcast thing on Friday they said it would be released in two parts.
  11. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    It still has not been clarified if it will be an expansion, game updates, or some other format we haven't considered. I'm not going to speculate. *glares at the SC icon in his hotbar*
  12. ARCHIVED-Halo of G4 Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    Technically EQ2 is like that right now with the EZ and HM raid zones. You won't see a HM Theer unless everyone is tweaked up the butt in T2 gear.
    Also I would like to point out that the main plot of EQ2 is coming to a close. All of the main story elements of each expansion has led up to this point with the Ages End. The way EQ2's plot was orcastrated was years in the making and I highly doubt new expansions after will have to do with islands with very little relevance.
  13. ARCHIVED-Finora Guest

    Ugh, let's hope they never bring POP to eq2.
  14. ARCHIVED-Reztarn Guest

    I'm seriously not buying this expansion just on principal of being ripped off because I live out of the USA ... Thinking about the next expansion is like wondering about buying some future car from a car dealer tried to sell you a used lemon for more then a new car costs.
  15. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Finora@Everfrost wrote:
    Agreed. I hope for something completely original from here on out.
  16. ARCHIVED-swedago Guest

    Cyliena@Everfrost wrote:
    I agree as well. Though I played eq1 from 1999-2004 (when I came to eq2) I think the nostalgia scheme is burnt out. eq2 can never reproduce the eq1 zone due to the fond memories and super expectations people will have... It will always prove a disappointment to old eq1 players focing this way.
    I would like to see new expansions linked to older ones that we spent way too many hours working on factions that will never be useful again.