Let our carpets fly

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by d1anaw, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. d1anaw Well-Known Member

    We have this great clover carpet for Brew day but it doesn't fly. Please let those of us who have flight fly. Pretty please?
    Feldon and TarnaX like this.
  2. Calthine Well-Known Member

    When flying mounts came in game we were told (and no, I can't remember the details) that old model carpets would never truly fly - I want to say it was for animation reasons. Since then they've introduced additional flying models which are similar. Rather like the sokokar had to be re-done to be a proper flying mount instead of a ride.
  3. d1anaw Well-Known Member

    Maybe we could redo the quest and get a flyable version. We have the "improved ale goggles".
  4. Feldon Well-Known Member

    The new carpets look nice, but I really really really want to fly my Maj'dul carpet.

    Hopefully copying the carpet textures from our older carpet styles to the new StationCash carpet wouldn't be that difficult. It certainly can't take as much work as completely rebuilding the Sokokar model and making new flying animations.

    If they do reuse the SC carpets but swap in the other carpet appearances, I'd reduce the size of the tassels. ;)