Leolyn's Back Story

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-Leolyn, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Leolyn Guest

    Fire, Blood, Screams
    Leolyn's earliest memories have been hidden from him. His dreams were haunted by the images of his parents placing him in a nest and then the screams. A druid named Halsin found Leolyn as a child and cared for him. Halsin learned quickly that Leo lacked the commitment to channel nature's energies, but found him excellent at tracking and hunting. He encouraged Leo's natural abilities while still teaching him the importance of nature and the balance it maintained. Leolyn learned quickly and was eventually showing Halsin some new tricks that he discovered, and the years passed.
    Although Leolyn was happy, he always wondered where his family was. When Halsin thought Leo was old enough he told him about the death of Leo's parents and the goblin that lead the destruction. After hearing the tale, the memories rushed back to Leolyn and the stored sorrow of years poured from him. Leolyn vowed never to rest until justice for his parents was delivered; Grimgash would pay for him crimes.