Learning Lore...

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by Papertankn, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Papertankn New Member

    I have been playing all of the EQ games since the series first began but never really paid much attention to the lore. The occasional instances where I did read lore was limited to update notes when new raid mobs were placed in the games. I would like to learn about the lore and i just assume the best way would be through the many books. I can not find anywhere a definitive guide to all of the books that also puts them in proper order. Could someone help me out here with a link or a list? Or if you think there are other things I need to be reading aside from the books let me know. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Emissary Vex Active Member

  3. Innania Member

    Mixxit made a great app on Good Play (for Android users) called "EverQuest Little Big Book of Lore" with tons of in-game texts from EQ and EQ2 (and some EQOA I think).
  4. Mixxit Active Member

  5. Meirril Well-Known Member

    As good as an out-of-game source might be, real lore is experienced first hand in-game. Take a little extra time, read quest text instead of just clicking through it. Watch what NPCs are doing. Look at the landscape, smell the roses. Read between the lines. That is how I came to know EQ and EQ2.

    Going back and reading quest and book text afterward is mainly for supporting your theories or jogging your memory.
    Lodrelhai and GrouchyMouse like this.
  6. Extemper Developer

    I love reading these forums. :)