Learn More About EverQuest II - Destiny of Velious

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Amnerys, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Hecula Guest

    Shade Slayer wrote:
    If I'm looking for fast food I'll go for the best burger that's available. But I'm going to be wishing it was prime rib or chateaubriand or something. And as soon as that Tuesday night 10oz prime rib for $12.99 special at the casino comes out....
  2. ARCHIVED-mikbove Guest

    I'm having trouble finding information about how much the pack will cost and also if it can be pre-ordered. Anyone able to point me in the right direction or has that info not been released yet? Cheers in advance :)

    Also is this an adventure pack or an actual expansion like what Sentinals Fate was? I'm looking forward to it, but hoping we are not ha ving the same problems as last time puchasing it, that is my only concern. Otherwise I'm quite looking forward to being able to fly.
  3. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    mikbove wrote:
    Pricing and pre-order info is not available yet. Here's the Press Release and pother known information: Destiny of Velious
    They don't do Advetnure Packs any more, it's an expansion. That, and it was announced as an expansion at Fan Faire.
  4. ARCHIVED-MurFalad Guest

    My first big question though for Destiny of Velious, will we be able to actually buy the retail game in Europe?

    If there is no international distributor they'll be missing out on a lot of potential customers outside of the US.
    (And if anyone things retail distribution is pointless, then why bother with it in the US? I'm sure its a plus for the health of the game whenever it happens).
  5. ARCHIVED-mikbove Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    Thanks for the info, I can now stop trawling the forums :)
  6. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Looks likes parts of Velious have thoawed out some.

    BTW when will we get to actually chop down trees instead of harvesting Windfall
  7. ARCHIVED-Twitty98 Guest

    the game vanguard saga of heros was the one you could chop down trees not eq2
  8. ARCHIVED-sommer33 Guest

    Darkeenz wrote: "I'm personally pretty excited for any new content we can get. Seems like this new expac will definitely change some things around, just like GU58. Come on February!! "

    I am very much looking forward to new areas to explore and raid. Just wondering.. why they wait until February.
    Most other mmo's are releasing their expansions before the Christmas holidays taking advantage of the shopping season. Blizzards expansion is being released December 7, 2010. The collector edition is $150. It includes an in game mount , trading card start packs, an art book, a mousepad with the expansion name, a behind the scenes video and a cd with game music.
    They used their marketing smarts by releasing before christmas. Can you imagine how much $$ they're making at $150 a pop. If Sony wants to increase profits they should have released this expansion in December instead of pushing marketplace markdowns.
    If SOE did this , we'd all be playing EQ2 Christmas morning (instead of some other game) lol
  9. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    They don't go against WoW because they'd lose and be humiliated.
  10. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    The only way they'll have the resources to get back to a holiday expansion release is to simply skip a year.
  11. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Dawnslight@Befallen wrote:
    Your point? I never played Vangaurd would still like to chop down trees and get wood that hasn't been chewed on my the massive regional trermites!
  12. ARCHIVED-Kaitak Guest

    Zabjade wrote:
    Just FYI, freshly cut trees don't make very good, workable materials. They need to be dried, a process which happens naturally on felled, dead trees.
  13. ARCHIVED-Valizak Guest

    Diotrum@Mistmoore wrote:
    ALL? I believe you are mistaken sir, though I get your point, it is not accurate. What PUG has killed 4 rune Theer? or RnR? Really? You had to say ALL. Its not THAT bad.
  14. ARCHIVED-Valizak Guest

    Diotrum@Mistmoore wrote:
    This I agree with 100%
  15. ARCHIVED-Fjmax Guest

    Titigabe wrote:
    YES!!! While they do not have to drop gear as good as the 24 person horribly hard raids but gear that might make it so you stand a chance of making it through the 24 person raid zone to get that great gear or gear that would make it so you are not a detriment to the raid.
  16. ARCHIVED-Emosaurus Guest

    Went to GameStop today to try and pre-order Velious, although.. It's not in their system and it releases in a month? Strange.
  17. ARCHIVED-Healani Guest

    Emorexia@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Neither myself or any of my friends have seen any info about being able to pre-order Velious yet.
  18. ARCHIVED-Emosaurus Guest

    Ashlie@Mistmoore wrote:
    Seems kinda strange to me, with the game supposedly releasing in a month, there should be some sort of information or advertisment or.. at least something.
    Guess we'll find out and see.
  19. ARCHIVED-darcain Guest

    that could be becouse some moron thout that it be cheaper and better to go full didgtle download and no more disk or colecter adition for 1 if sony realy going this way i be stopin my 5 accounts and leaving there no way im spending 40 to 60 usd to spend a day to download game and allso not have my disks i like haveing my products and hate ppl that force u to buy data yes i know the game is data but at lease i have disk that i can hold in my own two hands
  20. ARCHIVED-Caltros Guest

    I would prefer hard copies as well, but will take what I can get, would love a collector's edition either way it is offered.
    I am assuming with no info on hard copies it will be digital only, when I worked in the gaming industry 3 mos was a minimum to have shops get in pre-orders.