Layout feature??

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-Valdaglerion, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Valdaglerion Guest

    Anyone seen an update on this yet? Want to make sure I havent overlooked it somehow.
  2. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    Not yet .. but I was told they are hoping to have it back on live soon.
  3. ARCHIVED-Orchist999 Guest

    Yea definitely wanting to see this come back :p Plus a way to get all the items that have 'poofed' during the time it was available - there yet not there. Well hoping we hear something soon
  4. ARCHIVED-ianilu Guest

    Mine was working fine eariler mabye they fixed it today and didnt say anything
  5. ARCHIVED-Mary the Prophetess Guest

    I was able to load a saved layout, but it was totally borked when I tried.
  6. ARCHIVED-ianilu Guest

    I spent 1/2 the night working on a house saved the layout file did some tweaking with it came back later and still found some items that had been rotated around on their own so in my opinion nothing has really been fixed with it. they should just disable it for good and give us one that works . I dont really care about being able to save and load layouts so much except for the easter egg with being able to change the pitch and roll angles outside the game id rather just have that ability in game instead of being able to save/load how i have a house decorated .
  7. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    Disabled again... :-/
  8. ARCHIVED-Maevianiu Guest

    Sorry about that. Layouts were enabled by accident. Not all of the fixes from the test server were promoted to live yet.
    Speaking of such, could you guys give another try on the test server for the layouts?
    For those of you who had items "poof" they are actually there, you just can't see them. You will need to pack them into a moving crate or use the "collect an item" to collect them or move them, and reload your layout to see them again.
    Also, if you only want to move a few items, you can trim down your layout files. Items not listed in the layout file are not modified. Beware, the layout list only saves them by name (for now). So it does not know the difference between two identical neriak chairs. You can trim the files to just move items of a specific type such as only your neriak chairs or only your carpets. That way if something were to go wrong, you can find the items using the recover item button.
    If you pack your stuff in a moving crate, and /load_layout and something is missing. Could you post the line for those items from your layout file? That way I can duplicate it and find where its going and get it fixed.
    Also, it looks like the layouts combined with the customization program has led to some serious out of the box thinking and going a long way past what was expected! Seriously, carpeting the ceiling? Pure awesome! If you have problems when carpeting unexpected items like ceilings, walls, dividers and/or plushies if the carpet is sinking into the wall just pull it out a tiny bit so the world knows where to place the carpet. Putting wall items on ceilings and floors, floor items on walls and ceilings and all that can cause confusion. Pull the item just a teensy weensy bit into the middle of the room and it should figure it out.
    Sorry, but teleporter pads and player books, and other identical but not identical items are still confused. If you do not want the load_layout to interfere with these items take them out of your load layout file and move them by hand... for now. We have some ideas for fixes on the way but they won't be ready soon.
    I see some people doing some crazy carpet turning. Unfrotunately, there are some limitations, but you might be able to ride the edge of them. Try going just slightly off 90 degrees (like 89 or 91) that might work on getting your carpets to orient how you would like.
    I hope that helps. Please give it a go on the test server and let us know what you run into so we can get those fixed as well. You guys and gals have some amazing creativity and each time I take a look at the boards I say, "They did what with a what? Holy ^$%^ thats awesome!"
  9. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    I decided to log in on Test and do a quick test before logging. I went to my house and saved the layout, then packed everything into a moving crate. Then I uploaded the saved layout file. I didn't do anything crazy, just a simple test. And everything loaded perfectly, precisely where it had been before and nothing was missing. I checked this thoroughly, it was all there. No invisible items or anything like that.
    So as far as I could tell, the feature appears to be working as it should now. On the Test server, at least.
  10. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    Maevianiu wrote:
    Question for you, when it hits live again...if I save my layout..which has invisible items...then pack everything into a crate...and then load, will this work? Or do I need a layout that was before I did the first /save.
    I ask as I've done thing since I got bugged and don't want to lose my progress with an older save.
  11. ARCHIVED-LivelyHound Guest

    Maevianiu wrote:
    Hey Maevianiu, Just wanted to say awesome job on this and thanks!
    Some feedback for you regarding the quote above. I have found with the doing wierd and wonderful things that a lot of the time the vanishing is caused by the item being rotated from the position you put it at, possibly by a snap to wall sort of function so the item rotates into the wall and becomes invisible. I think this because I see a lot of items partially vanishing and being rotated by say 180 degrees. This happens when you save the layout through the /house. If you save the layout in notepad (for e.g.) with your own position specs then the item never rotates from that position until you overwrite it with a /house save or when you first log in( not sure why it does it on first login , but it is due to not having loaded a user saved layout I'm guessing, although this might have been fixed now as it didnt happen when I last logged in).
    Now this is the reason why as I see it:
    The two following lines of layout code are the same item and the rotations being performed on it are identical:
    1035043880,3.60,7.00,11.00,0.00,90.00,0.00,3.00, false,"tapestry of the steam lord" (my line)
    1035043880,3.60,7.00,11.00,180.00,90.00,-180.00,3.00, false,"tapestry of the steam lord" (save line)
    [IMG]Rotated due to save[IMG]Using my layout definitions
    You will notice the second line has a 180 rotation and a -180 rotation and they cancel each other out. This is what the /house save layout produces and the first line is what I manually edited in notepad. The Item in question is up against a wall as it is a tapestry and then rotated so that it is flat and poking outward from the wall. As I am doing this house I have it finished at the place I wanted, that is the first line I quoted. When I add more items to the house, I /house save and it goes to the second line which I then replace with the first line again and there is no rotation / visibility problem. I had a list, which was growing, of maybe 6 or 7 items in the house that do this that I was correcting. However now I have just a number of files that I copy and paste and so on to speed things up. With regard to making it 89 degrees to try to solve it because its a tapestry and seems to snap to walls that doesnt seem to work.
    So I guess the question I'm asking is: why does the save feature for the layouts overwrite the item properties that exist from a user defined load? and as a secondary osbservation, why does the save function not use the more efficient save, but instead throws in 2 extra rotations?
    For me its no real problem as I have a method for getting round it and can make my homes and post screenies of them with everything correct and present, and if I want to show my house off in game i can load a file before visitors. The only real problem for me is when I am offline and have guest to come shopping who wander round goign er... why is this object floating here etc... This however doesnt happen everytime.
    Oh and one last thing, would it be possible to make the layout files take comments, like java or c comments because it would be real nice to comment lines that flip, or comment items like dividers which are used in large quantities so you can easily find the coords of that particular piece etc... Just my eq2 wish for the day!
  12. ARCHIVED-Bratface Guest

    Maevianiu wrote:
    I have found that they do not poof but rather flip over to show their underside, with my sathirian rugs I put on the wall they go up correctly for a few seconds but then flip over to show their bottom outwards which has no geometry or graphics.
    I can squeeze in between the rug and the wall it is placed on (because I always leave a gap in case they want to snap to a wall) and pick up the rug and move it to another wall manually and it places fine. Except that I cannot get the rug to go vertical instead of horizontal.
    The items are definitely flipping, not poofing or sinking into walls, at least in my case. Maybe geometry on all sides would help this one issue, but it is still a problem of the item flipping which needs to be fixed.
    Thanks for the heads up about this thread livelyhound =)
  13. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    LivelyHound wrote:
    I doubt this will happen. I would expect the 2nd ID that would prevent the player book issue to be added before this (which might actual make this possible.)

    This has come up before and I have a way I can do it externally. The problem is if you moved the item in game then there is no way to associate it with it's comment. If you do all the manipulation externally in my program, then it is possible to save comments about each item by saving them to a 2nd file and merging the to back together each time you load the layout. This seems like a complete pain to me and I just don't know how useful it would be.
  14. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    I can make a model to create/recreate the disappearing items.
    These are the lines that are giving me fits. I am trying to place the backs of the paintings into the 2 bookshelves in a willow wood 1 room house (2 room)
    4204420849,5.85,1.20,-7.05,180.00,0.00,90.00,1.80, false,"a pristine rough linen scenery painting"
    4204420849,-6.24,1.20,-7.05,-179.91,0.00,90.00,1.80, false,"a pristine rough linen scenery painting"
    The 4th number in the lines is the one that is giving me fits. I can bring it to the center of the room by decreasing the number. But the item appears to "jump" to invisible whenever I get it close to being in place. I can turn these paintings around to show the front of the painting and they show just fine in the backs of the bookshelves. I have loaded the items into a moving crate and tried again but still seems to be bonked.
    Anyway - an specific example that can be played with.
  15. ARCHIVED-Magnamundian Guest

    How 'dangerous' is the vanilla layout feature at the moment. i.e. If I save a layout, trim the list to just contain redwood dividers and then move the dividers in-game, would the layout file successfully put the dividers back in their original location. Are the outstanding issues linked to assigning 'user-designed' coordinates, rather than using the layout data untouched (hope that makes sense)
  16. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    Banedon@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    There are issues with loading unmodified layouts unless they have been fixed on Test. The "missing" item issue is fairly common when just saving a layout, packing everything up and then loading that same layout.
  17. ARCHIVED-Magnamundian Guest

    Jesdyr@Unrest wrote:
    Fair enough, I'll hold off on redesigns to the guild hall until this is resolved (I think the OH would kill me if I messed up parts of the hall).
  18. ARCHIVED-Zindicatt Guest

    I did the following testing on the test server:
    1. Save layout - pack content - load layout: everything seems to work
    2. Save layout - pack content - mess with layout file - load layout: everything seems to work but of course I have not messed with every parameter and every item
    3. Save layout to a separate file - trim this file down to two items - mess with the layout file - load this layout file: This is when the result is unpredictable: the items did not change per the layout, and it even negated some of the original changes.
    #3 used to work for me actually. It stops working after it was sent back to be fixed. And then of course, prior to it being sent back, I did not run into the other problems such as item disappearing or relogging changes the visual. I did not do too much so I don't know if the problem was not there for me or I just did not run into it.
  19. ARCHIVED-Maevianiu Guest

    Mystfit wrote:
    You should be able to do a new /save_layout and it will record the infromation of the invisible items. You just need to have the item move, such as putting it into a moving crate, or summoning it to you before loading the layout to make the item reset.
  20. ARCHIVED-Maevianiu Guest

    Zindicatt wrote:
    So trimming down a layout...
    Suppose I have 8 neriak chairs in my house, along with a dining table and a bookshelf with some books. I do a /save_layout on it and the file has all of those items in it. I then trim the file to just 2 of the neriak chairs. I rearrange the setup moving the table, bookshelf, books and a few, but not all of the chairs.
    When I do a /load_layout here is what happens: First it looks at what you want, in this case it is 2 neriak chairs to be placed at x and y. Then it goes through what you have available in your house and tries to find the first two chairs it can and then move those chairs to x and y. Since it is randomly picking 2 chairs out of your 8 chairs it can lead to what you are describing, unpredictable results. The game does not know the difference between this "neriak chair" and that "neriak chair". At least not yet. That is being worked on, but not going to be soon. I am really sorry about that.