Layout Editor error on 7 and don't see items in 8

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Anatha, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. Anatha Active Member

    I tried again and still can't get changes saved. I then moved to another house - prestige house (reseacher's sanctum) to practice making something. I placed the items and saved. Opened the saved instance in the editor and tried to resize the items and saved group again. Tried to load it and get an in-game error of "This house layout is not compatible with the current zone". The UID that I saved has this number - 9097404598739972201, Unique House ID. Going to try another house and just move an item and save to see what happens.
  2. Anatha Active Member

    Now in my carpenter's one room Halas house. Placed an item and saved layout. Loaded it with my macro and get the same error.

    BTW, I have the 3 macros that Jazabelle said to make. My game is saved on another SSD drive I have so I have settings as:

    EQ2LayoutsDir - E:\EQ2\saved_house_layouts
    EQ2 Log Dir - EQ2\logs
    Current Logfile - E:\EQ2\logs\Skyfire\eq2log_charname.txt
  3. Anatha Active Member

    Just grasping at straws here - I created 2 F2P accounts so that I could visit other servers and see houses. One on Maj'Dul and one on AB. I am making sure that the log file is for Skyfire - my paid account server and the server my carpenter/decorator is on.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Gracey Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the quick fix Jes!!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    SWEET! Thanks for the reassurance! :D

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread post... ;->

    Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr likes this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    That got it to work? How? What happened? :)

  7. Anatha Active Member

    The latest fix that JesDyr updated did not work for me as of last night. Since we are still down for the launcher fixes, I have no way of testing it. However, as of last night, my carpenter/decorator went into the 5 room NH house, a prestige house (both owned by my main toon), his 1 room NH house, and a friend's guild hall that he is decorating and all were throwing errors and generating huge UIDs when using the macro "With". I have not tried to just save a new instance within the game itself on the house popup where it says to save a layout or load a layout. Will try that when we can get back in game to see if the UIDs are still huge.
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Drat...just with "With"? Very odd... :-/

  9. Anatha Active Member

    I deleted my macros and re-did them. With, Without, and Load Working. With and Without work with no problems. Load Working displays and error in my chat window - This house layout is not compatible with the current zone. WTF?

    Going to try using JesDyr's macros to see if that helps. I was using Jazabelle's.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. Anatha Active Member

    Re-did macros using JesDyr's With, Without, and tempout. It seems to work now with an object placed in my house. I moved it and pitched it just fine. Now to see if I can start working on my big project.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. JesDyr Well-Known Member

    that shouldn't really have any effect.. but if it is working, Great :)

    I actually uploaded one last night.
  13. Sennen Well-Known Member

    Hopefully too many more changes don't go through that blow through an IDENTITY column as fast as the game seems to be going through them... uInt64 can only go to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615... and there aren't any native data types for >64bit numbers that I'm aware of
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. Wizzam Well-Known Member

    So much mathing in this thread. I don't math well. But I do LOVE LOVE LOVE the editor! Thank you JesDyr for all of your time and work you've put into making it available to everyone!!! :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.