Lava Dome Temple (Image Heavy)

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Quickpaw, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Quickpaw Active Member

    (Freeport server, large homes)

    Welcomes to Temples Arounds Norrath! Rovings reporter Cookiecrumbs here, getting out of mys kitchens and intos places others might never sees! This is the Lava Dome Temple, an ancients temples dug out and refurbishes by a Kerra-kitty I's best I's lookings less likes a rat and mores like a cats, yes?

    (Is perfect disguises! Theys never knows its mes!)

    Just comings in, this temples is startling to sees...views is dominated by fountain that coulds be made by giants. Or bigger than mes for sure!

    (Becomes obvious I thinks, this temples is dedicated to Bristlebanes, halfy-ling mischief gods. Mebbe explains too--can't tells from pictures here, but water in fountains is falling up.)

    Size of place is very impressive, evens ifs you's not so teeny as mes. Is surprising too--all lava flowings down from ceilings, I shows that inna moments, you's thinks heat would bes too, well, hot! But is cool, long's yous keeps footies aways from lava-floors.

    (Rat--err, cat! Honest, really! Keep meow-meows away!--on fountain)

    Amazing--and scary, I 'bout falls over lookings up at it!--is ceiling of main rooms here. Words...really doesn't describe, is somethings just to be seen.

    (Woo, vertigo-makings. Or somethings. Again pictures don't really tells whole story, views is almost hypnotic.)

    Careful footings is needed! Specially fors silly rat-cats who goes barefoots.

    (Eeek! Hottyfoots! Hottyfoots!)

    Is two other rooms in temples; as ones might expects, to ones side is small chapel:

    (What? No bar-mitzvahs?)

    I cans only thinks, Bristlebanes must likes a lot of gold! ...not that I's ones to argue about gold in pockets of course.

    (Gold-fingerses, he's the mans, the mans withs the Midas touch...)

    As ones would expects, lots of Bristlebane imageries here. No forgettings who's 'God' heres while worshiping!
    (Though I does finds myself thinkings should bes sign sayings, 'Insert coins for services'...)

    Mes beings, well, mes, I had to sneaks up to altar and gets good looks at books theres.

    (Is wonders that anyones ever gets married?)

    I's be remiss ifs I not shows floor...climbs up on tops of bench...pew? Whatevers, here...

    (Looks a bit likes flowers maybe? Or gems. Probablies gems.)

    Movings on...on other sides of fountains in main room, is somethings mes, as a Karana followers, might...not expects to finds in temple. But then, this is Bristlebanes we's dealings with heres.

    (Mes thinks fundraising for Bristlebanes is no problems heres!)

    Has to says--is pretty-pretty casinos at least.

    (Is another places wheres lookings at still image doesn't does justice. Blue foggy-like lights? They moves in circular paths around room. Is kinda likes...being in blue foggies vortex, maybes.)

    Feels remarkably cools in heres, you cans forgets there's lava right outsides the door.

    (Is not surprisings, now, after seeings chapel, to realizes how much golds is on floor, ceiling, walls...)

    Wonder what is likes, gamblings in heres, Bristlebane images all arounds, whiles blue fog goes round, and round, and round, and...:confused:

    (Ratcat down! Ratcat down! Need healers, PST!)

    I leaves...perhaps nots best for last, buts most interestings perhaps...back out in main rooms, there's that fire-lava-circle things I's scorched toesies on befores, and a signs next to it:

    (Leap of faith for gods of mischiefs and practical jokes? This nots sends me off cliffs, does it?)

    Afters gettings up nerve...medic on standbys...I's jump on hottyfoots circle, and...

    (Is platforms up heres! Which is...not visibles at all froms below? Now, this's magics!)

    Big ol' stone-lookings floor...and as I's says above, is see-thru from belows. How weird is this?

    (Could uses some chairs or somethings, but still...)

    I thinks best things about beings up here, is view of tops of dome. Is close enoughs to feels heat!

    (Is its hot in heres, or just mes?)

    Is incredibles place, nos? Thank yous for takings this rat's--err, cat's, honest reallies--eye view! Comes to Temples Arounds Norrath for yous tours of interesting locations!

    (I tries not to thinks about walkings on narrow strips ofs mosaic-likes glass over pools of lava...)

    Anyways, comes sees the Bristlebane temple and casino...or, as I's has to calls it, the Lava Dome Temple! Cookiecrumbs, signings off.

    (To reiterate: Freeport server, large homes.)
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Wow...the sheer number of tiles it must've taken for the dome roof always intimidates me from making my own... :-/

    Except for the really creepy Bristlebane "jack in the box" things (which even wig out my Bristlebane worshipper alts), this is really cool--er, hot! ;->

    As for the "hidden stone platform," the thing that really caught my eye was the edge fringe, with the gems (at least, I'm guessing those are gems, who can tell with Bristly); where's that from?

    who saw through that black cat mask, though I have to admit, it makes the mousy strangely attractive... ;->
    Quickpaw likes this.
  3. Quickpaw Active Member

    Edge fringe with the gems...oh, around the circle of the platform? That's actually part of the platform itself; Abyssal platform I believe is what the thing's called. Just a lucky accident they're there :)

    Yeh, Cookie's a cutie, tho' I don't think it's the cat mask doing it :D

    Edit this while I can, silly short edit-timers... Actually, it didn't take as many tiles for the dome as you might think...think there's three tiers, something like 16 parts per...though admittedly another 8 is added for the 'fire' (misty red tiles). The hardest part really was staggering the tiles so it wasn't a single color, I learned how to use the 'starting angle' part of the circle tool with that.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    It is soooo tempting to get the Layout Editor whenever I see folks' domes and spiral staircases...if I ever get around to making domes, I think I'll have to break down and do it. ;->

  5. Quickpaw Active Member

    I certainly recommend it! Probably I COULD make snowglobes, inlaid spiral floors, soap bubbles, all this kinda nonsense without the layout editor...but I don't think it would be half as much fun. Being able to select a radius, a number of tiles to use, and just hitting the 'create' button...then sending the tiles back to the moving crate and trying again, invariably I get the first few tries wrong...
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Eek, that would drive me crazy(er), or I'd probably just go back to the Notepad editing and tweak it tile by tile. :-/

    yep, definitely OCD...
    Quickpaw likes this.
  7. Faeonara Well-Known Member

    Absolutely fantastic design and even better storytelling guided tour ...I loved the marriage vows they made me cackle like a demented hen:) .
    I am so glad its right here on Freeport server cause I can pop in right away to see this gem of creation once servers come back up .
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Gah, I just hope the long server downtime doesn't mean they're thinking about merging stuff again... :-/

  9. Quickpaw Active Member

    Been there, done that, had the migraines... o_O
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. Quickpaw Active Member

    Eh, the guided tour was kinda rushed :) I can do better... Still, if it gets peoples' attention, that's the intention right there.

    I considered doing more with the book...then decided just to do the marriage vows, I didn't want to be seen as lampooning religion altogether (got nothing against religion, I confess I don't understand much of it, but...). Marriage vows (non-traditional ones especially) are a less...sacred subject, or so I hope :p
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Quickpaw Active Member

    Not to hijack my own thread, but I'm not sure why they would? I know there was a long discussion recently in-game about merging Freeport with some other server...which for one, already happened once before, for another, I've heard we're the largest server (hard as that is for me to imagine) well, really a discussion for another thread methinks.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    This is true; my apologies... :-/

    As it turns out, they're just doing (did, actually, at the time of this writing) a lot of background techie stuff, that required much more time than the usual run-of-the-mill stuff, like when Crushbone and some others were down for 3 hours not too long ago. I was just being paranoid. :eek:

    And I'm glad Freeport's in good shape; if I have to leave Splitpaw for anything, I'd like to transfer my kids to a place where I won't have to transfer again for awhile (though I think Antonia Bayle and Crushbone might give Freeport a run for its money)... ;->

    Quickpaw likes this.
  13. Quickpaw Active Member

    Oh, no, I was referring to ME digressing :)
    I understand paranoia about the stuff. I recall (digression ahead, follow detour signs, obey all traffic officials) being on Pinnacle in City of Heroes, when we used to call it the 'drunk server'...not for the 'drunk task forces' (which were a lot of fun, if hard on the liver) but because it seemed to always be the last server to come up after planned outages, or even unplanned ones. We kept going, 'The server's drunk! Give it some coffee, stat!'
    I suspect so, why I was dubious about the 'biggest server' claims. Sure couldn't tell it from zone population, seems like if I see more than three people in an area, it's a miracle.

    Anyways, hope everybody comes by! Got to #2 on the 'creativity' and 'style' (recent, at least)...which I hope means I'll get a shiny new trophy to display soon :D
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Grats on that! :D

    (/following the detour signs:: There are times I miss City of Heroes; it could be fun, and they had the world's greatest character creation there for awhile. Many's the time my gaming group had stated that if NCSoft had just sold that separately and made it generic enough to interface with any computer game, we'd've snapped it up in a heartbeat. Too bad NCSoft was primarily composed of dork-heads... "No, we don't want your game any more, o Original Creators, but we don't want you to have it back, either. Nyahh." :-/)

    Quickpaw likes this.
  15. daicia Well-Known Member

    Love the house, love it even more with your sense of humor. :D Amazing work!
  16. Quickpaw Active Member

    Yeh...seriously miss it. As well as my 'paper doll maker' (my longtime name for the character creator), sometimes I wouldn't even play the game, I'd go into that just to see what combinations I could come up with.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  17. Quickpaw Active Member

    Thanks, Gnaw!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  18. Quickpaw Active Member

    Urgent bulletin! Well, not really :D

    Lava Dome Temple just made Hall of Fame!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  19. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    GRATS!!!! o_O :D :) :cool:
