Launchpad problem

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Veilyanne, Sep 1, 2018.

  1. Veilyanne New Member

    Hi everyone! I tried to install Everquest II on my new pc a couple days ago and after downloading and installing the launchpad, every time I try to start it, I get the following message: LaunchPad was unable to connect. Please check the network connection or try again. If the problem persists, please visit for assistance. (1-0)

    I don't have any problem on my end. I can play any other mmorpg but EQII. My internet speed is more than excellent and my computer is really new so I don't really know what's causing this particular problem. I've tried contacting support but, you know, service can be kinda slow. Please help me out, thank you in advance!!
  2. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    If you look in the last week, several people have been getting this. Usually if you keep trying you will eventually get in.

    If you are streaming, you might open the Launchpad, click the Advanced Tools button (crossed hammer and wrench icon) and ask it to Download your files instead. You might also go into Advanced Tools and ask it to Validate yoru files, in case you have a borked file somewhere.

    If you have a Launchpad file borked, then you'd want to go back to the EQ2 home page and download a new copy of the Launcher and install it.
  3. Veilyanne New Member

    When I open the launchpad, I do not have a tools button anywhere. I only have the square and the X button in the top right corner. I also managed to install the game via steam but I do still have a problem with Launchpad in the end.
  4. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Go to the download page and in the green box click the Download the Game link. That will download the Launchpad installer, sounds like your Launchpad is not right.
  5. Veilyanne New Member

    There was a problem unlisted about a proxy option used with Windows 10 by default. I only had to uncheck it in my connections config in my router to solve the problem. Took me time but I figured it out with the help of the support crew.
    Dude and Sigrdrifa like this.
  6. Egad New Member

    I am also having a problem with the Launchpad. When downloaded it only uses the streaming version which is garbage and drops connection constantly. After clicking the advanced option and downloading the full game there is 1 file that is corrupted and/or fails to install. After a few attempts to reinstall the launcher gives a pop up message and the game will not launch. One go around is to launch with the Everquest 2 app. The game works, however my character has no shirt/chest armor showing as well as many NPC either have no chest piece or are completely naked.
  7. Egad New Member

    Oh, the file that is corrupt and fails is paks/Char_B1.vpk
  8. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Check in your install folder and in the subfolder /paks, see if you do have Char_B1.vpk -- if so, delete it, then re-start the Launchpad.

    You may also want to try using the Advanced Tools button on the Launchpad (crossed hammer and wrench icon) and have it validate your files. That forces it to check the files vs. the manifest, and it should repair any corrupted files and download any missing files.
  9. Egad New Member

    Validating doesn't work, it just recognizes the file is bad and fails again. Update, the Developers got back to me and gave me directions which worked. Here they are for anyone else having this issue:

    1. Go to the game's folder and delete "Launchpad-user.ini"
    2. Open Launchpad.libs folder and delete the folder named Launchpad.cache
    3. Go to C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow and delete the entire Daybreak Game Company and Sony Online Entertainment folders. (These folders are flagged hidden so you will have to enable "View Hidden Files and Folders" in the folder options menu of your Users Folder.

    This worked for me and I hope it helps anyone else having this issue.
    Breanna and Sigrdrifa like this.
  10. Egad New Member

    Update... sigh. So after doing the above fix the game started crashing. So I validated the files, which then caused it to try and download them again and put me right back where I was in the first place. So I am able to run the game from the Everquest 2 app, however the missing file paks/Char_B1.vpk seems to be cloth armor rendering. So any cloth armor I, other players or NPC's are wearing is not rendering. Basically there's a whole lot of naked people running around.