Last name?

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-Ipwnj00, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ipwnj00 Guest

    I heard we can get a last name at lvl 20, where and how do i get this? thanks
  2. ARCHIVED-Thelvyn Guest

    Type /lastname *name* and your done.

    Btw I didn't know either but I typed NAMES in the knowledge base of the help feature in the game. If you have any question about the game itself usually you can find it here. Will save you a lot of time.
  3. ARCHIVED-Ipwnj00 Guest

    Thanks. Is it permanent or can be changed? Also, how do i get my level 20 fluff item? I was told i need to talk to someone and that as a beserker i can buy a flaming fist? Dont know what that means, and that pallys got horses from same place, etc./

    Anyone got any info on that?
  4. ARCHIVED-Khalad Guest

    your zerker app2s and useless fluff spells are sold in eldder grove, near N qeynos gate, next to a wall are 3 trainers around a circle, the frog has it
  5. ARCHIVED-Ipwnj00 Guest

    any info on the useless fluff spells? :(

    and how does one class get a horse and another gets useless fluff spells? :(
  6. ARCHIVED-Strahm_Grymblade Guest

    Oh we can get horses, we just have to dole out 10 gold is all :D
  7. ARCHIVED-Raven Guest

    Where did you see a horse for 10gp. The cheapest I saw was 2.5 plat.

  8. ARCHIVED-JDDbull Guest

    Last names are permanent so give it some thought. I was reading on one of the boards that some dude's roomate went on and put supersexmachine in for his last name, now he cant change it, and supposedly the GMs cant either.
  9. ARCHIVED-Aindiar Guest

    Lol ok.....
  10. ARCHIVED-Kromus_1 Guest

    Is it possible to make it 2 words, something like "the Great", "the One" etc?
  11. ARCHIVED-Veuclorion Guest

    " the great" and " the one " sound more like titles than names...
  12. ARCHIVED-Sweety D Guest

    Kromus_1 said ...

    "Is it possible to make it 2 words, something like "the Great", "the One" etc? "

    I'd kind of like to know that also. Thanks.
  13. ARCHIVED-Sweety D Guest

    Perhaps I should be more specific, what about a two word name like "Jones Smith" or whatever.

    I guess my question is do we have the ability to enter two words as the last name (no matter what they are). I know it can not be changed so I don't want to make a mistake.

    Thanks for any feedback.