Labs - Necrosplicer

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by The Jones, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. The Jones Active Member

    Does anyone happen to know how much his summoned bones heal him for when they die? I've been trying run this as a trio with a couple of casual gamer friends (and mercs), but my friends are only quest geared dps. We get him down to like 80% until the heal hits and then he's 100% again.

    If you spit the adds and then kill them off does it still heal the named?
  2. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    100%. The trick is to avoid killing the adds. Spread the fight out just a little bit, so you can stand in a position where you can easily hit the Named, without hitting the adds. Don't cast AoE's. Use singular focus if necessary, etc...

    Or, you can do it the long way. He only spawns a limited number of adds. (7? 8?). Once he has spawned his limit, and you've killed them all (healing him to 100% each time), there will be no more adds, and you can straight burn him down. Note that doing it this way is a *very* long fight.
  3. The Jones Active Member

    Best. Reply. ever. Thank you. Avoiding killing the adds has proven to be problematic with pets and singular focus not working well. We just hit evac after a while because we assumed it would be never ending. The long way might be best for us to continue progression.
  4. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    You might try splitting up the fight, but with only three people, it's going to be problematic. Assuming you have a main DPSer, you might be able to have him take off all his dehates, dehate procs, dehate buffs, etc... And use him to pull the adds away and hold them there (no hitting them, unless they get loose). Then every one else (and their pets/mercs) can hit the named safely - but you're basically taking your DPS out of the fight, turning them into crowd control. Or you could try it the other way, have your tank drag the adds away and hold them (no hitting them unless they get away), and let your DPSer keep and full burn the named.

    Or, if you can't control them well enough, you might want to see if you can do it the normal way by poofing your mercs and pets.
  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    Just a heas up on something that he missed. Every add killed not only heals the Necrosplicer but it gives him a stack of his DPS Buff, every add dead makes him hit harder. So you can careful burn or essentially "heal-check" the fight.
  6. The Jones Active Member

    Nice. Thanks! Any idea how long that buff persists?
  7. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    Interesting. Will have to look for that. Though I will contend that in a 'normal' group it doesn't matter. The reason I say this, is it's only in exceptionally crappy groups that I have had to resort to that strategy. And in such groups, healing was shaky as it is. Were it a significant DPS increase, we would all be dead.

    In fact, one of the reasons we had to resort to that strategy, is because we couldn't take the DPS from the adds. We had to kill them. As such, I suspect that the DPS buff he gets when you kill the adds, is less severe than the DPS the adds put out when you leave them up and focus on the named.

    But it's still good to know that it exists. And it may well come into play against a three man team. One mans experience, your mileage may vary, etc.. etc.. etc..

    (Now you've got me curious enough to go look at a few parses...)
  8. Estred Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's that big a buff, something like 10 AS and 10 DPS mod per stack. I haven't seen it in a LONG time since we single-focus the named in all my groups.
  9. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    If you have a coercer in your group ask him to charm an aerguard (alone flying guards). This pet can help in fights with multiple adds. Can get very nice dps from him up to 6 mil depends on number of adds and trash. Especially if you pull cobras too. It will help to kill a named alot quicker.
  10. Mermut Well-Known Member

    The plaguebringers also do crazy, crazy dps if you charm one of those.
  11. Ranga Active Member

    Pyrecasters and Plaguebringers ftw
  12. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Thx! I will try a plaguebringer next time. In HoB I use vileguards.
    Tried one in solo yesterday just for fun. I normaly do solo as solo. In Grendish fight he parsed over 10mil. In solo! Died though very quickly. They are weak in ToV AS zones :)
  13. The Jones Active Member

    People are starting to mix up zones here I think, but yes pyrecasters and aerguards are good charm targets in HALLS. Vileguards and plaguebringers are good charm targets in LABS.

    As for the point of the thread, I'm not sure the feedback has been correct so far for the necrosplicer. He doesn't get buffed for each add you kill, but rather debuffed, as I continue to get him lower and lower after each add we kill. The adds seem to never end, but he gets easier after each one and then he dies. This has been true twice now for me.
  14. The Jones Active Member

    Also, Aerguard > pyrecaster and vileguard > plaguebringer in my experience, but really not by much. Maybe 10% increase?