Kurnark and new spells/combat arts

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Pogball, May 10, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Pogball Guest

    Please for the love of Quellious, give us new spells on the way to level 80 - not just the same ones cut, pasted, boosted and given a name change, like the last expansions. Give us variations, pretty please! Also dont give me any more useless spells!
  2. ARCHIVED-quamdar Guest

    i am sure we will get upgrades to current spells and then also atleast one new spell for each class. hopefully more than just one per class like DoF that gave us 3 for each class.
  3. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    we might get one or two that are really cool..and then shortly after release it'll get nerfed over and over and over