Info Needed Kunark Ascending: Resurrection Machination

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Ustas, Jul 11, 2023.

  1. Ustas Member


    I'm on the second satge of the quest: Kunark Ascending: Resurrection Machination
    2) Obtain Drusella's bones from within Charasis: Maiden's Chamber (Agnostic)

    I tried two times but Drusella's doesn't spawn bones on death.
  2. Taled Well-Known Member

    Did you do what it says on the wiki and delete any incomplete quests from the instance?
  3. Ustas Member

    Sure, I tried. I don't have any incompleted quests for this zone but I deleted just random quest - it doesn't help.
    Moreover, there is quest which automatically appear once I enter the zone - kill all names.
    I completed it too but it also doesn't help me.
    Taled likes this.
  4. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Why the agnostic version?
  5. Taled Well-Known Member

    I don't recall for sure whether it actually DOES require the agnostic, but the wiki does specifically say the agnostic - I feel like it required the agnostic because the agnostic went to 100, and the regular zone doesn't scale.
  6. Ustas Member

    It is a quest condition.
    Normal version of instance is 80+ lvl but the quest has lvl 104, it is from 100+ zone (Obulus Frontier).
  7. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Huh. I remember doing the regular zone and it updated.
  8. Ustas Member

    Just tried this way - doesn't work either.
    I did normal version twice - with and without mentoring - same result, bones didn't appear.
  9. Kaitheel Developer

    Hmmm... I am having a difficult time reproducing this issue. After Drusella Sathir's death animation (lasts approx. 6 sec) her bones spawn on the spot where her corpse fell, as long as I am on that exact step of "Kunark Ascending: Resurrection Machination".

    Were you able to see her corpse after you killed her? (Did it fall back into a wall, maybe?)

    If you can see and click on the corpse, what happens when you attempt to loot it?

    When this happens are you grouped with another player? Were you (or your group mate) using a merc or a pet to attack?

    ~ Kaitheel
    Twyla likes this.
  10. Hellfiren Well-Known Member

    for this quest you need use the Agnostic one and mentoring no need cause the Agnostig
    calc the tier it self.
  11. Ustas Member

    I'm on the exact step.

    Yes but the body disappeared when I click on it.

    No, I'm solo and without merc.
    But I tried it in party, with merc - same result.

    It seems I found the issue.
    1) After 5+ unsuccessfully attempts with different options, I've tried to enter the instance via gate in Qeynos (previously I used entrance in Jarsath Wastes)
    2) I didn't click on the body right after the kill (as I did before) but wait 2-3 seconds instead until it turns into the bones.

    So, now I'm good. I'm not sure what exactly helps but I was able to loot bones eventually.
  12. Kaitheel Developer

    Ah! You were essentially removing the item that told the world to spawn bones before it had sent its message. That's good to know, and will give me the exact spot to find a solution for. Thank you!

    I'm glad you were able to move on successfully, but also for the help identifying the culprit in this situation.

    ~ Kaitheel
    Rattophaxe, Breanna and Twyla like this.