Krono is now live! /facepalm

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Ambeco, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ambeco Guest

    Krono going live today and the interface for the krono in my character screen is hideous, obtrusive, ugly, and downright rude! This shove it in my face advertising UPSETS me like nothing else. You want marketplace fine, You want krono item fine, But leave it in the marketplace and stop shoving it in my face and cluttering up my UI with things that I don’t need, want, or use. The krono item itself is a good idea but the in your face gotta see it every time you look at your character screaming BUY ME! BUY ME! BUY ME! interface is a marketing technique that will definately NOT earn my business I don't care what your selling!
    I have tried my best to keep this post in line with the code of conduct of the forums.
    Now would you like to know how I really feel?
  2. ARCHIVED-JJDillon Guest

    I wait anxiously for the fix to be posted on how to hack your UI files to remove it from your sight.
  3. ARCHIVED-Ambeco Guest

    I am already looking into it myself.
  4. ARCHIVED-bucketon Guest

    how do you know what it looks like already?
    though the update notes appear to confirm your concerns, i thought it would just be another item in the sc store.
  5. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    bucketon wrote:
    Krono is on Beta.
    bucketon wrote:
    Krono has nothing to do with StationCash.
  6. ARCHIVED-bucketon Guest

    nor do subscriptions, but they are kept to the sc store ingame, they just link you to an outside website, i thought it would be like that.
  7. ARCHIVED-Kenkonken Guest

    I agree that it could've been kept in the SC Marketplace just like Subscriptions are. You may not be able to buy them with SC, but they're there and they'll link you to the official site to make a credit card purchase.
  8. ARCHIVED-yohann koldheart Guest

    there most likley will be a new marketplace section just for chrono. i imagine they will be selling expansions for them before too long.
  9. ARCHIVED-Detor Guest

    I like how if you click buy it takes you to a page to buy multiple kronos, and it has a sign next to 5 Kronos that says 'MOST POPULAR!' It just launched today so they can't have any sale metrics for it - who's to say buying 100 in one sitting won't be the most popular?
  10. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    Detor wrote:
    lol never trust numbers or statics that companies release unless you can get a third party to verify. i agree though this should have stayed in the marketplace under the subscription pag and appeared in ads for free players to try and convince them to buy from toher players.
    we need to get this changed now as not to set a precedent for them moving more market stuff in the UI where it shouldnt appear in the first place.
  11. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    Oh, they are going to have tons of SC/Market place links appearing everywhere.
    You think the Krono thing is annoying?

    Currently on Beta every time you die there is an option to buy an instant rez item in the rez box.
    Oh joy.
  12. ARCHIVED-yohann koldheart Guest

    Wirewhisker@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    im in game now, and the krono thing isn not visable on the character window . im using profit tho, so maby if you dont update your custom ui you wont see it.
  13. ARCHIVED-bucketon Guest

    well after witnessing it i agree it is quite intusive. it should be in the sc store option only.
    Also i think it should be made a bit clearer that there is a cheaper way if you only want to buy your own subscription instead of trying to make some pp.
  14. ARCHIVED-isest Guest

    You can use drums full UI, and boom no more krono. Just saying folks were asking.
    IF SJ wants folks who use the non standard UI, they are going to have to put the krono in the sc store. Just saying. That is where it should have been to begin with.
  15. ARCHIVED-crazyeyes321 Guest

    Lower the cost to 14.99 so that it is competitive with store bought SC cards. I could be wrong, but I imagine walmart and the like make a dollar or so from selling the gamecards in shop, so that would be a dollar saved if people bought them in house.
    The Krono (plex) idea is good, but to charge 20% more for a digital feature is silly.
  16. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    crazyeyes321 wrote:
    the drive for SOE to add it comes from demand from us and the extra profit they make from the transactions. why release it for the same price as a sub when you can charge more for the privelege of a safe time for plat trade?
  17. ARCHIVED-Mermut Guest

    All the feedback in beta on putting the krono on the character screen was negative... this bodes ill for all the other feedback that has been given in beta :(
  18. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    Mermut wrote:
    There are simply some things the producer will not budge on until confronted face to face with angrey customers.
    SC buttons, Krono UI's, and hiding flying mounts are things that are in that list.
  19. ARCHIVED-Finora Guest

    The look of the thing they put in the UI is pretty awful. They were told how awful it looked. Far to big and in a bad spot.
    I just went into the UI builder & deleted that file completely and squashed the persona window back down to it's previous size. No more Krono in my UI. Hurrah.
    I don't mind them trying to sell the thing, they just need to do it in a more aesthetic way if they are going to put in on the UI. They already have it listed in the marketplace (appropriately with memberships). If they really must add it somewhere in the world, stick it on general merchants. It really has no business being on the equipment page.
  20. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    Finora@Everfrost wrote:
    My guess is it is on that page where it is so that you acknowledge it atleast once per play session, if not much more.