Knights of the Round Table on Permafrost: Recruiting Only the Honorable

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Ealdian, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Ealdian Well-Known Member

    We're Knights of the Round Table Guild, and we'd like to have you join us! This is a very old started in a game called Neverwinter Nights back in 1994; and that means we have TRADITIONS!

    We follow a Code of Chivalry and do some modest roleplaying. We enjoy silly banter and like to help new and returning players. We are a lvl 95 guild in a very nicely decorated guild hall in Qeynos. (I was told I had to say that.)

    We believe it matters how you treat people and we accept players from “good cites” only. So if you're from Kelethin, Halas, or Qeynos and you're interested in joining us, please send a tell now!