Karnor Castle hands

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-fuaburisu, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-fuaburisu Guest

    Are these in EQ2? They were so cool.


    PS: If anyone wonders, I think that was a custom UI I made that used the classic UI look, in 1024 resolution.
  2. ARCHIVED-Orpheus666 Guest

    there are hands, just none in Karnor's that i recall.
  3. ARCHIVED-Muris Guest

    There's a few of them hiding in the guk instances, and here and there in other zones, but don't recall any in KC
  4. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    The Animated Hands were originally found in Lower Guk right from the start of Everquest, but they weren't used very often until Karnor's Castle and a few other places. You can find them back in the game in the Miragul's Phylactery and Lower Guk instances, and in the Tower of Frozen Shadow in EQ2, but here it's implied that it's not merely a living hand, but a creature shaped like a hand who extends out a leg from the palm to support itself while it attacks.
  5. ARCHIVED-Orpheus666 Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    don't they have a little mechanica stand of 6 legs that come from the wrist and a mouth that extends from the palm? they walk on the finger tips until engaged.
  6. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Yeah, that's what I ment. Back in the first game, they really were animated hands. In this game, the hand hides more to the monster than you first see.
  7. ARCHIVED-troodon Guest

    I love it every time I see a screenshot of the old interface, like the OP posted.