Just starting off. (A class question)

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Purgamentum, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Purgamentum New Member

    Hey there,

    Long time vet of mmos, decided to give this a shot. I'm a big fan of soloing, but I'd like to have a class that's at least moderately desirable in endgame raiding. I'm taking a shot in the dark that the most likely choice would be a healer or a tank class, but is there a class that people seem to have difficulty finding later on? I'd like to be a little more than just 'one of the dps' when push comes to shove.
  2. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Imo you can never go wrong with a support class. If you're looking for something needed at end game for raiding or whatever, I'd consider Dirge, Troub, Illy or Coercer.
    Unless you've tanked in the past I'd forget that if you'd like to raid, and I only say that because there is less slots in raid for tanks.
    Healers are always welcome and I think Wardens are pretty much top of the tree right now. It's a great class to solo and if you enjoy soloing having the druid portal is very handy.

    Really just pick a class you enjoy playing and play it well, then it will always be needed.

    Have fun! :)
    Finora and Dulcenia like this.
  3. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    If you check the server forums on Flames, you will find recruiting messages from the various raiding guilds there. What everyone seems to have a hard time finding are: shaman (mystics and defilers), bards (dirges and troubadors), enchanters (coercers and illusionists).

    Regardless of what class you play, learn your class thoroughly. Know what each of your spells does. Learn to check out the AA and gear choices the high-end players of your class have selected (EQ2U is great for this). I would much rather have a raider who plays their class excellently than a "fill in the missing class" player who thinks facerolling is sufficient.
    Charlice and Finora like this.
  4. Finora Well-Known Member

    And another thing. Choosing a class based on what is desired end game right now, isn't always going to work out. Once upon a time defilers were considered THE healing class, so much so that my guild was asking me to betray my mystic. These days they are most decidedly not considered the cream of the crop anymore.

    Choose a class you will enjoy playing. Learn as much as you can about playing that class well. If you are really good, you will likely find a spot for yourself in a raid at some point. Tank spot in a raid will be harder to claim than any other though.
    Charlice and Sigrdrifa like this.
  5. Purgamentum New Member

    Thank you very much for the replies.

    I think I'll take up a support class, then. I don't really have a preferred playing style, but I'm usually pretty thorough when I do get into one. Facerolling is a wonderful way to put me to sleep. ;)
    Charlice and Finora like this.
  6. ZachSpastic Active Member

    Bards and Enchanters are in demand, always have been in demand, and almost certainly always will be in demand until they shut down the servers.