Just returning, all my healer toons can't heal (or DPS)

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Lost in Translation, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. Lost in Translation New Member

    I've applied the new free gear from Tishan's gearbox to all my toons, granted this is real basic gear for this expansion, but I can't heal myself if my life depended on it. I've had to remove all the blue adornments as you need to be a member to wear them and can't get new ones as described in the VoV Guide for beginners (excellent guide by the way) as you need to be a member to for those also.

    All my healer mercs are the same, worthless. They just constantly spam heals but my health bar barely even moves. It takes me 1-2 minutes to kill 1 mob with the healer merc constantly spamming heals I still wind up dying. Very frustrating. Not sure if a differant merc is needed or not. Other toons that I have, Shadownight, Bezerker, Monk, Necro and Lock do a little better, but not by much.

    Is there a specific stat I need to look at or is it just the gear and spells that need upgrading? I've noticed something about mount barding, but all the slots are locked, is this another membership item?
    Twyla likes this.
  2. Almee Well-Known Member

    I use to play characters, on my Silver accounts, but found the same problem so now I don't play them. You can't train your mounts, to open slots, and you can't do the panda quests, and the best gems are removed from gear so you pretty much have to play in a group to survive if you are a healer. Joining an active guild is a good way to find other players to group with.

    Another way, to make it easier to play your healer, is to sub for a month and binge play. You will be able train your mount, to open a few barding slots, get plat by doing the daily objectives, and get better gear from doing the Overseer quests. None of this will make your character as strong as one from a subbed account, but at least you can play without the long, boring fights.

    The cost of a month's sub isn't that much but if money is tight, you can play your non-healing classes until you get the money. Alternately, you could play in BoL with your healing characters, until you can afford a sub or until your merc levels up.

    I'm sure there are other players, who don't sub, who can share their tips with you. Perhaps Sigrdrifa will create a non-subbed-type character and write up how to succeed, with a healer character, without paying a sub as I imagine money is going to be an issue for a lot of players in the near future.
  3. Pink Poodle Maid of the Evening Storm

    It's probably because a lack of shadowed ethereal trackers. Which is a problem for me, too.
  4. Lost in Translation New Member

    OK, but what are Shadowed Ethereal Trackers?
    Dorath likes this.
  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Every summer for a while we've had some way of earning Ethereal loot. Summer 2021 we were earning Ethereal Tracker "coinage" when we did RoS Weekly missions.

    Normally, once the new xpak comes out Ethereals are over, but this time the devs are letting people continue to get these Ethereals. Now you can earn them doing VoV Weekly Solo and Heroic missions.

    The Ethereal Merchant is in RoS's Savage Weald up on a cliff.
    Breanna and Xillean like this.
  6. Mucusmuncher New Member

    a game breaking feature for anyone that has a life during the summer.

    Solo you can get 100/week/character that has the flying (you can't get to perch without flying)

    So thats 45 weeks if you only have 1 character

    However, don't let them say "we put in the work and earned it" if you missed a week you earned everything you missed the next time you did it. but that doesn't work now. So if you missed 2 weeks and did it the 3rd week you got everything you missed prior. so it was much easier then than it is now.
    Pink Poodle likes this.
  7. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Just not true. I was out five weeks over the summer. I caught up before VoV released, just by running my alts through the weekly solo missions, and my main through solo and heroic weeklies. I have guildies who are behind on ethereals, and are catching up Just Fine now running VoV solo and heroic weekly missions.

    Normally, if you missed Summer Ethereals, you'd be S.O.L. when the expansion rolled around. This time the devs graciously gave us a way to earn the Ethereals, and to do it in current content to boot.
    Breanna likes this.
  8. Mucusmuncher New Member

    1. it's near impossible to do heroic weeklies atm.
    2. You did it BEFORE xpac released. I could easily knock out heroic weeklies at the end of an expansion no problem.
    3. Not all of us hae 10 alts that can fly in VoV. Im simply not going to do the ignorant signature line 10 times just to farm mind numbing weeklies.

    And the ethereal events have always been a serious disadvantage for those of us that do not play during the summer. I'm so glad they are not going to do them anymore.

    They need to fix this stupid tracker thing tho. Losing alot of returning people of it and there are not many left.
    Pink Poodle and Pixistik like this.
  9. Mucusmuncher New Member

    And i stand by its a game breaking feature.

    You literally cannot do anything past H1 without them. Raid guilds will not even think about it.
    Pixistik likes this.
  10. Torri Active Member

    To steer this out of hijack and back to the the issues of the op and difficulties with solo content, it is a combination of things but across the board it will be stats that are too low. I don't recall if you can train your mount and merc or not without a sub and I am pretty sure without a sub you cannot use the Overseers which are the main way to get items that reduce the time needed for training. You can only unlock slots through training so if training is not an option you unfortunately are going to be hugely underpowered.

    I did not realize that you need a membership in order to use the runes from the starter gear. Something very positive developers did was even the playing field with the introduction of those blue runes. Not being able to equip them places you at a critical deficit in Fervor which the more you have (up to a cap) means the more you hit and heal for. The other really important stats when soloing are Potency, Ability Double Cast and Crit Bonus. Mix and match, buy multiple items out of the box for white adornments and use these everywhere you can on your gear. Also buy a set of visible armor (left side of your character window) and put it on your merc.
    Twyla likes this.
  11. Melt Actually plays the game

    I'm in Resistance, always in the top 5 raidwise. One of our MTs has 1400 trackers (IE, none of the useful buffs.) He does fine.
  12. AOE1 Well-Known Member

    Ok. The sub is approx. $15/mo. A movie ticket runs from about $10 to the mid $20 per. Add a box of popcorn (small) and a soda (small) and you have spent more than $15. And that is for what? An hour and a half? The sub is for a full month minus downtime for maintenance. The average cost of a 6 pack of beer is nearly $7. One six pack a week for a month is more than $15. A carton of cigarettes is now nearly $50. So you have to pick your entertainment. They do not need to give away all the benefits that the others pay for and have been paying for.
  13. vlada Active Member

    just fyi,those cigs be $90-150 for a carton depending on where you live,not 50
  14. AOE1 Well-Known Member

    Shows you how much they were when I finally said enough and quit. Thanks for the update.