JUNE - Submit a Photo for a Chance to Win 2500 Station Cash!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. suka Well-Known Member

    i have noticed that soe is steadily pushing facebook and twitter at us- like there is a partnership brewing or something.
  2. FriggaWitch Well-Known Member

    I agree Kilar no response is turning me off to the Admin people I think we deserve an answer I don't get it why have the contest off site? SOE doesn't need the advertising that much do they, really?
    Thanks for the thumbs up on me screenie suka.:D
    suka likes this.
  3. Tabri Well-Known Member

    Its a Facebook photo contest so it has to be put on Facebook. SOE also does these through other sites like I think it was ZAM I won an outfit for a screenshot contest a while back, guess they wanted to use Facebook this time.
  4. FriggaWitch Well-Known Member

    Belenos and suka like this.
  5. Tabri Well-Known Member


    I am putting mine here because Facebook is even confusing and I have a Facebook account.
    Luperza and suka like this.
  6. Tabri Well-Known Member

    After you enter a screenshot on Facebook like instructed you cannot see any entries already submitted under the view entries tab. I know the contest on ZAM allowed you to see your entry amongst all the others it was pretty neat looking through all the nice screenshots other people put up, cant do this on Facebook it shows nothing, so bleh on that.
    suka likes this.
  7. suka Well-Known Member

    this is from the may contest

    So no, Luperza claims it is not a facebook contest. yet it demands a facebook account so come on Luperza, were you mistaken???
  8. suka Well-Known Member

    yes but go try to enter the contest and see if it doesn't demand a facebook account. you are so very right- i guess it didn't work out.

    however, what she said was she would remove the verbiage. they put in a disclaimer. however, the disclaimer is lying. if the contest has nothing to do with facebook as the disclaimer says, then why is it that we have to log into the contest through facebook. a lot of sites these days offers to let you sign in with a facebook or twitter account, but most don't demand it.
  9. Luperza Community Manager

    Sorry. This is just what we use for our sweepstakes. We are looking into other alternatives. If you have a suggestion, please send it my way!

    I fixed the issue where you had to log into FB. Hopefully, that helps! :)

    Advertising? Not certain what you are talking about. It's just a simple legal way to do sweepstakes. We're looking into other alternatives if you have a suggestion.

    Basically, it makes it really easy to moderate - approve, disapprove and it's safe for player information in order to gather winners.

    I fixed the issue where you had to log into FB. Hopefully, that helps! :)

    1) Go here: http://soe.votigo.com/fbcontests/profiletab/EverQuest-II-Insider-Summerthemed-Photo-Contest
    2) Click "enter"
    3) Register
    4) Select your photo to upload
    5) Submit

    1. You don't have to register for FB.
    2. You do get to see photos others submit after they've been approved. If they are not approved, you will get an email.
    3. This is not a random raffle. Winners will be chosen by SOE staff. We are looking for the most creative summer-themed screenshot.

    It was my mistake on this one. I left a box checked that did not need to be checked. You no longer need FB to register for the sweepstakes. :)


    Y'all are hasty! :p I don't work on the weekends, so I could not approve your photos! Sorry. :) Everything should be good to go now. I'm sure you'll let me know if there's something else you don't like. :p
    TarnaX and suka like this.
  10. Tabri Well-Known Member

    This happened to me also you can just go into Windows paint and save the screenshot as a jpeg. For some reason screenshots in EQII save in a different format than jpeg/jpg into the EQII screenshot folder originally.
  11. Tabri Well-Known Member

    Well I dont know what happened but now I can see everyone's entries on Facebook, awesome thank you.
  12. Svenone Well-Known Member

    Not. Going. To. Use. Facetrash. Ever. Period. Not. Going. To. Use. Twitjunk. Ever. Period.

    I have an account HERE, and that should be all that is necessary to communicate with SOE for non-private things. It is somewhat gratifying to see that I am not alone in this.
    Belenos, FriggaWitch and Merriel like this.
  13. Eyesnot New Member

    Tabri, thank you, but I WAS using paint to resize and format, even though the file was ALREADY a Jpeg. No matter what I did, it told me wrong size or wrong format, or both. And I can't enter unless I'm logged in to FB. Says up there that it's fixed, but I'm still broken.

    I just needed to get it all off my chest. Sorry everyone.

    Where is my post anyway... Did I get removed LOL o_O ?
  14. suka Well-Known Member

    i did send one your way. it got deleted for being in violation of forum rules. i guess we aren't supposed to post our suggestions on the forums. my suggestions were:

    the things i hate about this contest:
    1. you have to have a facebook account to enter.
    2. we don't get to see any of the pictures people submit.
    3. it doesn't matter how good your screenshot is, it is a raffle where a random name gets picked - it is not a true contest.

    Changes i would like to see:
    1. put the contest in the forums so we can enjoy the pics.
    2. let us vote on the best pic with our "likes".
    3. Let the person with the most likes win.
    4. you can easily limit it to one photo per account- it is easy to see if a person posts more than one pic.
    so i guess this one will be deleted too?
    FriggaWitch likes this.
  15. suka Well-Known Member

    ok i went in and registered - way better now. thanks.
  16. Luperza Community Manager

    You don't have to use Facebook to submit. It was a checkbox error on my end. It should be fixed now as stated prior to your message.

    No problem.

    As I stated previously, each photo has to be approved. I was not working during the weekend, so the approvals were not done until this morning. ;)
    suka likes this.
  17. Enna New Member

    Good day, everyone. :)

    Question: the rules on the web page say "one entry per account."

    The pop-up says "one entry per person."

    I am one person with multiple accounts.

    So: May I, within the rules, submit one picture per account ... or may I only submit one picture at all, because I'm only one person?

    *shrugs unknowingly*

    Unless I hear otherwise, I'll only put in one picture (assuming I can make one that I think is good enough that it will have at least a small chance of winning).

    However, I must admit that it would be fun to have an option to submit more than one entry (such as one per account) -- even if I was limited to only winning once. That way, if I get another idea that I also think is good, I could give that one a try, too.

    Thanks for your time, and I hope you have a fabulous day. :)
  18. suka Well-Known Member

    let's hope it is per account. on mine, i have 3 paying accounts. each of those accounts has to buy sc separately - they don't get to share it. so i think each account should be viewed as exactly what it is, a separate active account.
  19. FriggaWitch Well-Known Member

    Well I still am having a tough time figuring out why contests for EQ2 aren't held on our home website and in these forums?
    That was the question that started this whole convo back in May. Seems easy enough to post replies and comments here and you don't even have to go off site to do it? Hey, how about every time we wanna post a comment on the forums we have to log into a couple different domains before we post it here? IJS.
    Svenone and Merriel like this.
  20. p0hp0h New Member

    I HAVE SUBMITTED A PHOTO. There will be a mass vote for my photo, from among the population of those that frequent the EQ2 Forums. If I do not win, ILL TIDINGS of REGRET will flow from the general area of which I am located, you have been warned.

    ~ Doom & Coom,