John Smedley announces Legends of Norrath

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Calthine, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cadori Seraphim Guest

    Off Topic! Something in this thread has made me scroll horizontally REALLY bad :(
  2. ARCHIVED-einar438 Guest

    [p] I didn't really notice anyone being that offensive or attacking each other prior to your remarks. The discussion was lively but did not contain offensive remarks, hate speech, or personal attacks that I could see. Be careful of becoming defensive too quickly, anyone in a creative position is going to have to deal with negative feedback. [/p][p] From the POV of someone that has moderated discussion forums and newsgroups, I am beginning to wonder if perhaps you are getting a bit too draconian and quick on the trigger in your judgement of what is inappropriate or a "Flame." Open discussion should be welcome, unless you would rather people just not give opinions or feedback beyond the "Way to go, you guys all rock" threads. That just seems like it would get a little insipid if that was all you allowed. [/p][p]Please remember that people who come here have the best interests of the game and their own enjoyment at heart. If not, they would not bother to waste their time visiting this web site and these forums. [/p][p] "...let's stay happy and excited..." as a statement to stifle commentary is, sadly, uncomfortably close to something out of "1984" or "Brave New World." [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    /invokes Godwin's Law
  4. ARCHIVED-Coniaric Guest

    [p]I had noticed things getting close to being defensive, but it is fortunate it's not reduced to flames or overall offensive.[/p][p]But there is a forum for LoN now so some questions that had been brought up here could be answered over there (as Grimwell stated).[/p][p]As for money connection ... it's basically all online store, not in game. As for chest loot, it may be reasonable at this time that it'll be treasured and thus, about 5 minutes of decay time. Other comments were already mentioned few times in earlier posts so I won't say it again.[/p][p]But all there are are assumptions in regard to in-game drops. My opinion - nothing is tradable except in LoN client.[/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Ronin SpoilSpot wrote:
  7. ARCHIVED-Polyneikes Guest

    ke'la wrote:
    [p]Gladly:[/p][p]1) buy a card pack using RL cash[/p][p]2) open a LON session with another player on your server and trade him your pack[/p][p]3) close LON session and receive plat from said player[/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    So I guess your right a player of LoN may give you plat for an Uber card you LUCKED into getting from a bought pack, again you would have to spend ALOT of cash to get a card someone would be willing to pay for consitering anyone with enough Plat to buy a card(thats not a plat seller) for Plat has probly already looted enough packs to get the cards he wants, while farming the Plat in the first place, and as there is no trace of the "Card Trade" in EQ2 there is no evidance that would give you any kind of protection if it was an accual RMT.