Jester's Cap on ACT

Discussion in 'Troubador' started by ARCHIVED-arrog, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-arrog Guest

    Is Jcap tracked on ACT in some way or form?
    I have looked but can't find any sign of it. Looking for number of times cast...etc
    Any input or suggestions appreciated!!
  2. ARCHIVED-ReverendPaqo Guest

    No. Not even sure it's trackable by any means other than just looking at your maintained spells bar, or the recipient looking at their spell effects window. The only thing that shows up in any of my logs is error text if their immunity is not up yet when I use my "lazy cap" macro.
  3. ARCHIVED-wullailhuit Guest

    Prestissimo@Butcherblock wrote:
    I have ACT set up so it announces 'JCap' when I get it , it must be possible...let me see what it scans for......

    Checked the info and no it doesn't appear to be possible....

    You can monitor when you get the effect by using 'You feel inspired by the Jester.' but there is no generally available log entry showing who was affected if it's not you.
  4. ARCHIVED-arrog Guest

    I am trying to figure out who is casting jcap and how often in I never see the buff as raid tank...
    Thanks for the responses..guess not going to be able to figure it out.

  5. ARCHIVED-iwillbackhand Guest

    LoL at trying the track how lazy or not your troub(s) are. I'm glad it can't be tracked.