Jan 11, 2022 patch - expected tradeskill highlights

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Denmum, Jan 6, 2022.

  1. Houjaamo Member

    My wife and I just completed the first quest a couple of nights ago. She had read it was good for leveling. She went from level 100 to 110. I went from 110 to 120.

    We were not aware of The Bag (link) that you mentioned, so I had to look it up. OMG! Talk about your motivation. We were both saying we need to switch to our Prime Harvesters. We are so glad you posted that. Thank you.
  2. Almee Well-Known Member

    I think I've done most of the PoM TS quest line, on about 20+ characters now. It is long, tedious, and in dungeons so I only do enough to get to 110. I wish the first instance, with a double xp pot, would bring my characters to 110 but I think I had to do at least 3 instances--maybe 4 as double xp wasn't working when I did it with my characters.

    I don't expect I'll have problems with PoM but I'm not so sure about BoL. That didn't go well when I tried it, but I didn't have much time to play, and it was stressful.
  3. Kethryl Active Member

    So, there are 5 "Stitch in Time" quests that are part of the main PoM/PoP tradeskill questline. Each time I've run it, it's gotten me from level 100 to a minimum of level 118, and most recently from level 100 to level 122. I'm not sure why you are only sitting at level 110, unless you didn't do the rest of them, or perhaps ran it a long time ago before there was a level 111? (I don't know, I wasn't around for that; I took a break in the game between 100 and 125.) If you haven't run the 4th or 5th quests on any of your characters, I'd suggest going back and do it. You may be surprised to jump up close to 120 pretty quick.
  4. Almee Well-Known Member

    I did it the year the xpac came out so there was nothing above 110. That's interesting that I can go higher now, doing the quests, as it probably means I can do the CA TS quest line to get my crafters to 120.