Itemization is Game-Breaking Terrible

Discussion in 'PvP TLE Discussion' started by Hoiyay, May 17, 2021.

  1. Hoiyay Active Member

    • Warning: The EQ2 forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    Who is responsible for the atrocious destruction of the itemization in the game? They should never be allowed to touch any game every again.

    The change to items in general in this game is by far the most despicable thing I have ever seen happen to any MMO. You set all items to be 10 levels apart, which is absolutely terrible, but you also have stats being exactly the same for 95% of all the items that are the same level. You even have treasured gear that is better than fabled gear!

    MMORPG's are strictly played to improve your character as you grow. You have completely RUINED the fun in doing this by the atrocious revamp to gear. It truly is game breaking as it really defeats the best and exciting part of playing the game.


    I understand you guys thoroughly enjoy shtting the bed and couldn't manage this game any worse if you deliberately tried to, so I'll try to keep my expectations lower than I think they can go.

    1) Gear needs to be upgraded at least every 5 levels. 10, 15, 20, etc
    2) There must at be a clear difference between treasured/HC, MC, Legendary, and Fabled tiered items. Currently there are several treasured items that are the exact same stats as Legendary AND Fabled items. This is disgusting.

    Realistically, Items should vary for EVERY level, gear should not have Primary stats but str/agi/int, etc, a treasured would not have anything close to legendary stats, and every piece of gear would be unique with a few overlaps being the same. But I understand you guys are daybreak and you will continue to do as you've always done and make terrible decisions for the detriment of your game...but this one really needs to be fixed.
  2. Yayoh New Member

    Since the last time i played Mastercraft items used to be brownish / gold but now they're treasured color.

    I don't have a solid reason as to why but it triggers me so much lol
    Zamza, krokous and Frostfang like this.
  3. Peak Nagafun

    At least the MC gear used to be better than treasured.

    Now..? Yikes.
    Zamza, Frostfang and krokous like this.
  4. Satyr Well-Known Member

    I don't think we'll get a primary/blue stat rescale. The best we can hope for is editing 4 stat treasured, legendary items etc down to 2 and 3. I've also noticed some 4 stat HC items (tailor hand crafted doll).
  5. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TLE itemization. Now you feel our pain.
  6. krokous Member

    THey could just leave as it was before - items had actually differents stats (Str, Sta, Int, Wis, Agi...) and there was big diference in crap, tresured, legendary... Also migiation is a joke you ave 50% migit in cloth and 55% in plate... No comment here
  7. Zarnafien Well-Known Member

    Caith did a pass a few years back on low level items and completely borked the itemization.

    Level 14 fabled are worse than level 10 quest gear. Mastercrafted fabled is worse than quested gear. Stuff we spend time researching through the research assistant in order to make and needs rare reactants..

    The current itemization throughout the game is severely lacking and shows little regard for the players seeking immersion and upgrading our toons.
    Zamza likes this.
  8. Zamza New Member

    Yeah, the gear/stats situation is... Horrifying. I get Fabled drops only to find that it's worse than the treasured loot table. It's the opposite of what it should be. I just wish administration would commit to fixing it. At least give us a word that it will be addressed... The sooner the better, because yiiiikes.
  9. Greene Active Member

    I was wondering how long this thread would take to show up.

    My guild hit pretty much every EQ2 TLE server (minus pvp), and each time itemization was worse than before. I even posted the Lucy and Football meme last 3 times it happened, glad to see that it's still a thing. Enjoy the EQ2 tradition! lol
  10. Stylish Active Member

    I understand the gist of this....but it's a PvP server - just look at it, equip if its an upgrade and go kill someone.
    Again, I understand what you're saying but at this point they aren't going to be adding new mid-tier gear and/or adjusting.
    Siren and Raff like this.
  11. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    I was just thinking this yesterday. Before, getting an ornate or exquisite chest was like Christmas - you weren't sure what was in it but it was bound to be good. Now, it's not a big deal - which takes a lot of fun out of getting it. This is beside the fact that the actual items are lackluster and boring, making it difficult to advance your character in any meaningful way at the lower and mid-game levels.
  12. Zenji Well-Known Member

    I used to chalk some of it up to having a small staff and very limited resources. But 6 years, 3 TLEs, a handful of specialty servers and several itemization overhauls later, it is still a dumpsterfire. This all despite the communities best efforts of collecting data, organizing it and sending to the developers in an easy to use format.
    Amalar, Hoiyay and Zamza like this.
  13. Litoeon New Member

    It's all because it's the same team that has ran this shi* show since SOE
    Keep paying for Subs / Kronos / P2W researching / All the packs / Familiars / Exp pots / Cosmetics and they will continue to keep doing the bare minimum.

    The client is in desperate need of 64 bit
    The game needs to get off direct x 9
    The itemization completely overhauled
    Hyper inflated stats for no reason - There's not even a comma in the values in the tooltip lol
    Maximum hotbars and you keep adding more shi* to click?

    You guys have such a gem that's being wasted on with the continued use of this team, sorry but you guys have tried for years and it's obviously not working. Maybe they keep all of you because it's making ~6mil every fiscal year while pushing out garbage and not having to fix anything.
    "Well guys it's still at least profitable so keep doing what you're doing" . That's because you have some diehard fans still keeping this alive and soon they won't be around as you then wonder "What could we have done?"
    Amalar, Fangrim and Zenji like this.
  14. Raff Well-Known Member

    While annoying, it is not game breaking. Just equip whatever gives you an upgrade and go with it.
    Siren likes this.
  15. Raff Well-Known Member

    This is the Tarinax / PvP / TLE server thread. Pretty much everything you list pertains to Live servers. Go bother those threads. Tarinax is a blast.
  16. Amalar The combined salt from all of SOE/DBGs fallen MMOs

    Ahhhhh it is not just me that sees it. Thank you for so perfectly encapsulating how I feel. So sad the producers letters are so weak, and even the EG7 letter was *literally*

    *We just wanted H1Z1 because we saw how terribly DBG was wasting it, we don't care about EQ2*

    H1Z1 was actually one of the OG Arena games, it has some massive cult following but DBG screwed it by releasing totally game changing update after update, and then eventually after running all the players away, said *We are not making much from this* and ABANDONED IT, while planning to SUNSET it, without saying ANYTHING to the community.

    (This is actually a FACT, watch the EG7 video, where CEO actually says it was going to be sunset! They had to throw an internal EG7 dev team on H1Z1 because nobody from Daybreak knew how it worked anymore, but they were keeping it around to milk it until it was fully dead! Like every other MMO they have touched!!!!!! :eek: The most disgusting example of how Daybreak functions)

    How people have any faith in Daybreak after things like this and EQ Next is BEYOND me.

    And its so sad because it was literally my first MMO, I think I lived in this game during highschool. But when I get the EQ itch, I load up Project 99, or my Playstation 2 with Champions of Norrath, and I don't have to despise what this IP has become :rolleyes:
  17. Bigdumper New Member

    Even more embarrassing is EQ2Emu has access to the actual original itemization when things were super unique and there weren't "primary" stats, how hard can it possibly be to just spend a week going through the actual old information. They would make so much more money and retain so many more players if the items actually meant something like they used to.
    Arielle Nightshade, Zenji and Zamza like this.