Is tradeskilling gear worth getting to 95?

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by shadowstepper, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. shadowstepper New Member

    I've been a casual on/off player since launch. I have one toon that's 95 Pally/95 Jeweler.

    I think I might be missing something in my progression. As far as I can see, there really is no reason to max out crafting toons for the gear, correct? The gear you get with quests/drops is far better, even if you craft with a purified rare.

    Of course, I'm aware that I might be missing something important, but don't have a clue what it is. Am I really that much of a novice???
  2. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    Handcrafted and MC gear provides a decent stat base when you're starting a new tier, but if you're maxed out, there's not much to get for yourself. There's decent gear researched through tradeskill apprentices, but you're probably better off just finding other people to make it.
  3. shadowstepper New Member

    Thanks for your reply. I've noticed that what you say is true.

    Is there no reason to max out tradeskill then? Other than for completists and tradeskills such as carpenter or provisioner I mean...
  4. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Getting to 85 TSer unlocks flying mounts, no matter your adventure level.
    If you don't already know tradeskillers to make you the appropriate gear, it is much, much cheaper to make your own gear then to buy it on the broker and frequently faster to make (and level) yourself then to ask in channels for somebody to make it for you.
    If you level tradeskilling w/o ahead of leveling, you also get a very nice chunk of AA from the various tradeskill timelines. Additionally you can get some nice items to aid with tradeskilling and harvesting from a number of the quests.
    At top tier you can do daily (and weekly) tradeskill quests to get etyma

    That being said, if you really don't like tradeskilling, don't 'torture' yourself doing it. There are plenty of adventure ways to get etyma, AA, etc. And, if you join a guild, you can most likely find people to make things for you. (Just remember to thank them and consider compensating them for at least their fuel and perhaps they're time.)
  5. Meirril Well-Known Member

    There are several reasons. The most compelling reason is so you can make everything the class has access to. People kind of expect that of a crafter.

    At the moment you can do the ToV daily and weekly quests. The daily quest rewards 1 DE. The Weekly quest rewards 10 DE. I don't personally bother with the daily quest but the weekly is certainly worth the 20-30 minutes it takes to do it.

    Also you can research the most current apprentice recipes. Mostly the materials for these recipes drop from the Champions in the group instances. Currently the supply of materials is miserably light. It isn't difficult to research these so saying its easier to find someone else with the recipe is neither here nor there.

    The big thing to say is if you happen to get the Shard of Spectral Light drop you'll want to find someone that knows what they are doing with experimentation. When fully experimented this is the best charm in game. If they fail on experimentation the item is destroyed. So if you hate crafting, get someone else to do this!
  6. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    I understand the sentiment to a degree, and it fully applies to someone that advertises their services, but honestly, my main motivation for leveling my crafters and gaining tradeskill recipes is to provide items for my alts. If I can make something that someone else needs, great. If I can't, and they decide to go all, "Well as a 95 ____, you are supposed to have _____ recipe!", then my response is generally to tell them precisely what they can do with their expectations.

    That said, someone should learn the things that they believe will help them out first, then anything else of marginal use, then whatever is left as time and patience permits..
    Sandyfoot and Charlice like this.