Is tithe the end of the game?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by sunshine, Dec 24, 2016.

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  1. sunshine New Member

    It is no secret how strong and how awesome tithe levels are. Tithe is so strong that it will kill the game because you can't main change due to the fact you will lose your tithe. People can't come back to the game for the fact they will be down so much tithe compared to everyone else (the longer time goes by the more impossible it is for people to come back). As I look at it now tithe is pretty much restricting any new players from playing and old players from returning and any current players who quit will not be able to return. In a nutshell it basically castrates the player base so you will have no new players coming in as players leave.
    Tharrakor and KythosMeltdown like this.
  2. Slappywhite Member

    Substitute the word "ethereals" for "tithe" in the above post. Remember? How no player could possibly ever catch up to those who HAD gotten the ethereals and the game would be destroyed by the haves vs the have nots? How'd that work out? Oh yeah, game's still rolling along just fine.

    Another player trying to create drama where there is none.
  3. Lojaak Well-Known Member

    I recently switched main. I ground up more tithe in a few weeks than I had on my original main. Because it takes exponentially more points, the tithe progress starts to slow. So no.
    Shmogre likes this.
  4. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    Tithe is both good and bad. Good because you always have something to improve and you can do it without a group or raid. It gives xp purpose even at endgame.

    Bad cuz of the reasons you provided here. They can easily fix that by making Tithe accountwide like Yakhu suggested in another thread. Anyone can build an AoE toon and mass farm xp.

    Like Lojaak said. Tithe slows down exceptionally the higher you get.
    Tithe isnt as big of a problem as the ethereal runes for returning or new players, not by a longshot.
  5. Jachin Active Member

    Suggestion: make tithe account wide and cap it at 50 points instead of 100. 50 is even reachable for those who don't afk bot grind it.
    Sejreia, Creasote and Tharrakor like this.
  6. Nelie Well-Known Member

    I don't think making Tithe account wide is a good idea. Why would anyone ever want to play a healer or tank or even a utility class when everyone can log on a T1 dps and just start racking up points for toons who wouldn't gain as fast? Not only that, everyone and their grandma will be logged on T1 dps and pretty much have contested zones on lockdown.

    Is it really that hard to go farm tithe on 1 character for 1-2 hours then switch and go do the same thing? Or is it that you are wanting EZmode tithe from geared out toons that can clear 3 times faster than your non-geared toons?
  7. KythosMeltdown Active Member

    I can tell you as a returning player, tithe alone has me way behind people with equivalent or lesser equipment despite the fact that I have spent much more time on current content. It's the same issue of being behind on AA's in a late expansion all over again. Im around 12.5k potency in defensive stance with 7 points in tithe skill. People in worse gear than me who've been playing since the launch of tithe are upwards of 17k. I am by no means struggling to perform, however under performing when compared to others solely because of an extremely grindy system is beyond frustrating.

    The fact that getting tithe isn't hard is exactly the point. It's an afk grind. There's no skill involved in endlessly one shotting old mobs. Doing current content groups gives far far less experience than spending a few hours in an old contested zone and as a returning player I don't want to spend 4 hours a day in a contested zone just so I can still be behind everyone else.
  8. Nelie Well-Known Member

    I see where your coming from but if its such a grind for 1 toon, its going to be a grind for alts as well. I just don't agree with logging on my BL or assassin to EZmode mass grind tithe for all my toons. Each toon should earn their own since its easy to get in the first place.
  9. KythosMeltdown Active Member

    You know, people have been saying this for years.

    Rolling....yes; however rolling along with a steadily decreasing population and decrease in quality of content is not something most would consider "just fine." Everquest 2 has done NOTHING to stand out from the other guy's at the table, while also going out of their way to make the game beyond difficult to get into as a new player, in addition being impossible to catch up to other players.

    Again even if a new player was to jump through all the hoops and grind their face off to hit max level, all that work becomes moot due to many systems in the game that heavily benefit even casual people who play continuously over even hardcore players like myself that play for a handful of months at a time. Despite the fact that you CAN in fact function at a high level group without tithe/ethereals/ascension etc., does not mean it is FUN to be under performing compared to other players who have put less time/work in on CURRENT CONTENT but spent more time playing PREVIOUS EXPANSION CONTENT.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't get benefits for playing continuously; but the benefits you get for doing so shouldn't be giving you immense amounts of power over other players. Cosmetics/mounts/companions/convenience/titles are all great alternatives to giving people best in slot items for time to come.

    Honestly, even if I had the ethereals, I would feel cheated as a customer. Multiple gear slots not having an upgrade even in the next expansion? How is that enhancing anyone's gameplay experience? Expansions, historically, have been the 'hard reset' on advantages people accumulated over time and everyone gets to work their way up again. For whatever reason, that did not happen with this expansion, at all, and the veteran players are understandably content with being way more powerful than new players even if they've played less current content, while returning/new players, are not. This issue is hardly presented because there are few new/returning players partly because of systems like this in first place.
  10. Zanger Member

    well all i got to say about this that a played "the elder scroll online" while i made a break with everquest 2. The game had a similar never ending scaling mechanic with no catch up mechanic like eq2 now.

    it ruined the game because mechanics like this are just senceless, the ESO devs reignet to the community and change it. Since a year or so ESO capped the points to a certain level and introduced a catch up mechanic where new players with low points gained them a lot faster then people that already have a lot.

    so now here is the solution eq2 devs:
    1. make only 20 or 25 points per section useable
    2. people can still spend more points but they dont give them any benefit at the moment
    3. everytime a new xpac hits make more points useable, e.g. 22 or 27
    4. introduce a catch up mechanic for people with lower points, e. g. double tithe exp till you have spent 15 points total

    accurate number need to be figured out this are only examples

    but yea i guess everything i wrote is useless since the devs rather introduce doulbe tithe boost items that cost 300 sc to lure some money out of returning players so they atleast can catchup somehow with deity points ....

    sorry for bad englando :>
    Meneltel and Tharrakor like this.
  11. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    Not a bad idea
  12. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    I understand your concern and you make a valid point. However, the contested zones are already on constant lockdown as it is. Besides, my channeler can mass farm tithe way faster then my BL in ossuary so Its just not all about T1 dps, for trash killing you just need lots of AE and the handcrafted devastation strike procs will do the rest.

    I have always prefered to play DPS but occasionally i play my bruiser and tank for a few weeks but with the current system thats just not going to happen again, ever. I will not start over with the tithe farming again, no way lol.

    By upping the xp in the new zones significantly and making Tithe accountwide will open up for alts again and also give further purpose to run them. Its not fun for a player to join a group and underperfom, nor is it fun for the group.
    Ashandra likes this.
  13. Raff Well-Known Member

    As vet who has years of playtime under his belt? Gotta say, I'm okay with being way more powerful than noobs-with-no-life content-locusts who just subbed and wants the same things just cause they have a lot of free time at the moment.

    In a way, its kind of a microcosm of real life.
  14. Konc3pt Active Member

    the end of eq2
  15. Zanger Member

    hahahaha said no good player ever
    Faeonara and KythosMeltdown like this.
  16. Melt Actually plays the game

    Wait wait wait... math time.
    7 points in tithe at 12000 potency gives you 847 potency. So in order for others to have updards of 5k more than you, that requires, (tithe formula, (n^2+2)/2) 883 points JUST for the 42nd rank (which is where they'd be.) You can plank that up to be nearly 10k points in total, from 1-42. Now, with a fairly low rate of 10 minites per point, that's 100,000 minutes, or 1600 hours. Now, bundle that with the general overpopulation of the zones, you can probably double that. Are you going to try to tell me somebody with 3000 hours of grinding shouldn't have better stats than you?
    Raff and Lojaak like this.
  17. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    Wow you look so smart. Troll clown you. Completely missed the point tho. Read it again, he dont want to be stuck in old trivial content for half the xpac just to catch up in Tithe.

    And RandomRaff you must really be obsessed by Kythos cuz where ever he posts you just have to pop in and troll the thread with your random insults.
    KythosMeltdown likes this.
  18. Konc3pt Active Member

    Since we like to have op things, can we change the CB tithe to fervor tithe? thanks <3
    KythosMeltdown likes this.
  19. Grishtik Member

    +1 for making tithe heirloom/account wide.

    Those of us with alts would greatly appreciate this. Many of those who offer to tank and/or heal when they would rather DPS with their main (and vice versa of course) would definitely benefit from this, and would more likely be willing to play other classes in the future, thus increasing the game's (and subscriber) longevity. This is becoming more and more of an issue with this game's dwindling population.
  20. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    Yes. Exactly this, thank you
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