Is Templar where I want to go?

Discussion in 'Templar' started by ARCHIVED-Kasias81, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kasias81 Guest

    I want to be mainly a healer, with defensive stat buffs. Is templar the way to go for me, or is Mystic my calling?
  2. ARCHIVED-Kasias81 Guest

    Thanks for all the responses LOL
  3. ARCHIVED-SpiritPriest Guest

    the buff lines of templar are basicly HP and AC. defensive what are you really asking?

    do you want to parry more? take more damage? etc...

  4. ARCHIVED-Kasias81 Guest

    HP & AC Buffs are what I'm looking for.. so I guess templar is where I'm headed, thanks.
  5. ARCHIVED-AlohaWarrior Guest

    I have been tolling this too, But I have been looking at it from a RP point of view. Templers were knights that, as lore has it, protected holy symbols in modern europe. In other words warriors that worked for the church. So I am kind of looking at it from a Paladin point of view with a lean toward Cleric not Knight. I just think that is cool. If you are going hardcore healer, maybe one of the other Priest subs may be better. Please critize me if I am wrong.

  6. ARCHIVED-Kabilos Guest

    I look at it like this , a Templar is a worker of the church , a healer of some aspect. A Knight is a warrior of the church who takes the churches name and uses his faith to do his work. A Priest .. is well a healer / a worshipper , a guided leader.