Is Santii really supposed to be this difficult?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Raeven, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Raeven Well-Known Member

    Went with a full group, five 95s and one 93. The person who pulled her didn't live long enough for others to get aggro. Had a couple different ones pull her, same result. This happened repeatedly, until we had to give up.

    Odd thing is, I remember trying a month or two ago with just three players, lower levels, like 90-93, and we lived longer. Didn't succeed then either, but at least others managed to get aggro.

    So what is the deal? Has she been made more difficult since then? Does she get stronger with a larger group? Is there some trick to fighting her? Or was she bugged the last time we tried it?
  2. Raeven Well-Known Member

    Update: just tried her again with a different group. Died a few times, and swapped out some toons to try doing it with different combo of classes. Managed to survive the pull a few times, but the instant total mana drain got us in the end. Suggestions?
  3. Whitetide Active Member

    Range to avoid the Mana drain, iirc. Have a coercer/illy to feed power. Beast tank. It was a tough encounter.
    Wurm and Raeven like this.
  4. Plinc Active Member

    interrupt her casts, cure her drains, feed power and place her so you don't get kicked back to Vishra's camp.

    get out when you activate her, she takes about 2sec to agro
    let the tank pull. it's his job.

    don't spread out, heals and power feeds have a range, her drain is groupwide.
    Karrane, Wurm and Raeven like this.
  5. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    actually the last time I assisted someone with this, we had a coercer keep interrupting her and we never got a single power drain :p
    So interrupting is a way around the drain or ae blockers and curing fast (watching her cast bar to time your cure)
    Mermut, Raeven and Wurm like this.
  6. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Compared to the rest of the quest line yes she is a serious monster.

    And lol I tried to solo her... I lasted for a few short mins till I ran-out of ways to get my power-back and I had to let her destroy me.

    Took a solid well built/well geared group the second time and took her down pretty easily... using all the tips and tricks mentioned above.

    So if you listen to Whitetide, Plinc and Kuulei you won't have that hard of a time of it.
    Raeven likes this.
  7. Raeven Well-Known Member

    Thank you all very much for the input, I appreciate it!
  8. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Tried today with 4 others, we took her down to 5% on second try, turtle shell, tranquility, manastone helped a lot.
    After we had to log off. Tommorow she shall die.

    I wonder if the mana drain can be ranged, it seems that no but may be. Our wizzie tried to run away (35meters) and got drained anyway.

    If her drain is zone wide, may be i should go in melee range for heal procs., on her side.
    Wish I could get sandstorm anti aoe to proc.

    Group failed to interrupt her, either due to lack of interrupts, attention or resists ...
  9. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Pretty sure the big drain only occurs if you don't cure her arcane. Maybe a small drain when it hits, but that really shouldn't be giving you trouble if you cure the det asap.
  10. guard Active Member

    correct faster cures needed
  11. Raff Well-Known Member

    Might try taking in a Mystic with its ER spell. Can refill the entire group...long recast time though. Could fill in with Coercer / Illy til then though.