Is everybody in COE zones?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by atiknight, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. atiknight Member

    I play on Permafrost and I don't have COE yet cause i'm lvl 80. I'm just wondering if any zone actually has more then 10 people in it?
  2. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Not so many i blind gues ^^ i mostly get along with CoE inis and areas where they are ^^
  3. atiknight Member

    I hardly see any people in the zones now and it's making me wonder if I should just wait for Everquest Next. I kind of miss grouping even though they have made all mobs easier so far. I'm 80 sk with newb gear and i can solo lvl 87 and 88 1up mobs(is it supposed to be that easy)
  4. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    I don't know about perma, but on Guk there isn't any PuGing. People only group within their guild which has made the world feel oh so small.

    I can take on 15 one arrow up mobs, but get two shotted in the heroic zones by the ^^^s. so don't get too convinced that it's easy. and SK is one of the most Overpowered classes right now.

    Get in a big guild and see if you can find groups there is your best bet.
  5. Plavem Active Member

    People are always grouping for them. Im on Nagafen, and there are groups just takes forever to find one, then if you find one and your dps heals or tanking skill is garbage you will more than likely have problems finding another. Just the way the world works.

    There is no way to fix the grouping issue. Most of the loot in instances is garbage anyway.

    The general map of MMO's = Solo stuff / crafting gear gets you ready for instances. Instances gets you ready for raids. In this game it is fairly hard to run instances due to lack of people. Personally I think it also is attributed to the number of classes it takes to be a real dps in this game. So much support which you won't pull great numbers without ( i am not saying it can't be done without ). Not to mention most tanks are terrible, so who wants to waste time grouping and having a death every few pulls.
  6. Archaical Active Member

    They really screwed heroic players with the whole luck based gear components dropping over a shard-like system, so the CoE group rate at launch was abysmal. Since then, they have increased the rates of drops and grouping has gotten alot better, but unfortunately alot of people still have that bad taste in their mouth. They did alot of stuff wrong when the expansion first came out, and are now scurrying to fix all those mistakes. Slowly but surely, it is coming together though. That is the theme for this game though. Even when it initially launched, so many people had such a bad experience that they left and just never came back.

    Also, the meta has changed and pretty much every heroic group now demands a chanter and bard for even simple heroic runs because of how OP they make everybody. As if it wasn't hard enough to find a tank and sometimes a healer, now you have to sit and wait for a bard and chanter also. Sad, but thats how it is now unless you make your own group. Then, you still have to worry about people joining and dropping when you say you are not going to wait for a chanter and bard to join.

    Nerf bards and chanters in 2013.
  7. atiknight Member

    Lol Yea. The guild i'm in seemed to quit when server lost most of it's population. Theres about 2 members at every now and then.
  8. atiknight Member

    I guess I just miss the feeling of when EQ 2 was new. So many people were newbs and now everybody is decked out in lvl 95 gear and mounts and act like you don't exist. I guess I will get the COE expansion and see if the game gets any funner.
  9. Estred Well-Known Member

    I find a PuG relatively fast even on Guk. People just want Bard/Chanter to faceroll because of buffs but they are not needed. You may want one if you attempt HM-Wurmbones or Forgotten Statue. Really you have to be willing to not take a 100% ideal set up now. If you want that "perfect" group, hehe you will be waiting awhile or you had better have a good f-list and active guild.

    Almost all Heroic Zones can be done with

    - 2 tanks
    - 1 healer
    - 3 dps

    You don't actually need a bard/chanter, they just make it easier and take less time.
  10. Veeman Active Member

    Sorry, but I'm one of those who never group outside of guildmates. They are who I'm used to, no knuckleheads, no arguements over loot, and a host of other reasons. I have 5 level 95 toons that include a Troub and a Coercer that I know are constantly requested for groups. I also have a partially raid geared SK that I play a lot, and I see the PUG requests for tanks often also. But I just won't do it. It's not worth the 50-50 chance that I'll get in a group that irritates me to no end. Unfortunately it was said before, if you are having a hard time getting groups, you may have to either join a larger guild or at least make friends with other smaller guilds so that you can have enough people to make a group. BTW, have you ever asked why there are so few Bards and Enchanters running around? I quit actively playing mine a while ago. With the burnout factor of playing utility, SoE giving away utility to other classes and the monster utility/massive dps Beastlords running around, my troub and coercer just weren't as much fun or interesting to play anymore. But with the Beastlords, my Assassin may be the next to go to the bottom of my "important class to maintain" list. That leaves my SK and Conjy to keep up, which is ok with me.
  11. Hoosierdaddy Active Member

    I'm the same way. My EQ2 experience is utterly insular. The only chat channels I use are /g, /gu, and /raid. My patience for anonymous online communities was long ago exhausted. Anytime, I question my decision, it only takes a few minutes in a global channel to reaffirm my belief in a general decline in civility and common decency within online communities.