Is 100% Strikethrough really 100%?

Discussion in 'Spells, Abilities, and General Class Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-ChopperDave04, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-hoosierdaddy Guest

    Found this in a two-minute search on Flames, as a response to an OP who asks almost the same question as you:

    I would say go through your logs and find out what is happening. Are you missing more or are your attacks being parried and blocked. Those are 2 different things, accuracy does nothing for blocks and parries and strikethrough does nothing for misses. I was having trouble with my hit rate also and personally it was more from blocks and parries almost a 2-1 ratio. Also there is no hard cap on combat skills unless this has been changed from June of last year. Combat skills are contested against the mobs defense and avoidance, and you need 100 more skill than they have defense to receive max benefit. I first raised my skills to 727 then got more strikethrough I noticed gains from both. Hope this helps.
  2. ARCHIVED-Ratman12345 Guest

    Davngr wrote:
    Dude i know exactally what the 2 skills do, but what i'm trying to teach you since you can't seem to understand from your other grand showing from Flames with Reck Stance is that they don't cast any buffs on themselfs to do such a thing.
    Trying to help you improve by letting you know its not some magical ability they keep casting that messes with your hit rates, it's just the block, parry, and dodge stats of the npc. Unless the npc has a buff on them saying they gain extra avoidance, they won't increase it cause they don't cast any avoidance buffing temp spells.
    Probably should of put down earlier i'm somewhere in the 850 range on combat skills in raid, but whatever, done arguing with you, its like the reck stance thread all over again with people telling you how it really is.
  3. ARCHIVED-Davngr Guest

    Ratman12345 wrote:
    if i'm always avoided/miss at a certain point of a fight then i know that it's part of the mobs script. a lot of names have this happen at a certain hp/time when the mob becomes harder to hit. how would you explain that? my contested rolls always seem to fail at same time/hp% hardly logical.
    those two guardian temps you mention do nothing for or against hit rates what so ever like you suggested and your 850 skill does nothing for hit rates past 100> than the mobs defensive skills. just like i said on the first page.

    yes level is a HUGE modifier since all of the hit/avoid formula is contested vs. your target NOT yourself. only uncontested avoidance is temps and dodge.
  4. ARCHIVED-Ratman12345 Guest

    Never suggested that Guardian Sphere or Sentry Watch messed with hit rates, simply that they were temps.
    yes u only need 100> however you don't exactally know when you have hit that point, and seeing how my auto is my highest source of damage and nothing else to adorn for i figure having a higher minimal damage is nice.
  5. ARCHIVED-Davngr Guest

    this is what a dev said about the hit/miss formula a couple years ago. these are some of the variables that affect it.

    i'm not 100% on names using temps because obviously they don't cast them and no dev has said they have them but the fact that mobs seem to always shell up at certain times in a fight tells me that it's either that a great percentage of raid debuffs are falling off the mob or the mob is acquiring additional stats momentarily from something in their script. the mob in LoA use to enter 4 different stages and there are abilities in game that increase and decrease stats according to hp% (crusader increased focus after 50%, brawler mitt/melee mod after 30%?) so it's would not be very difficult to add this to a mob or even tie it into it's script instead of it's hp%. no i have no been able to find an icon for this but frankly i don't even think the icon window is large enough to show every effect.

    i all ready been thru the common sense stuff that you and other posters bring up and have rationalized past them because the data shows that the "simple" explanations don't add up.


    pro tip:
    a caster class should stock up on "casting skills" instead of "melee skills"
  6. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    Davngr wrote:
    I'm more than willing to wager the devs just don't know. I am reminded of this particular reply:
    Piestro wrote:
    It's a Community Relations red name so I can only hope they are mistaken. otherwise we have a small amount of proof that the devs don't want to do their job properly because it's too hard. (FYI: They are supposed to have all combat changes documented and understandable no matter how frequent or small)