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Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Yaviey, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. Luperza Community Manager

    Perhaps with another moderator, but not with me. I think the EQ2 player base has been fairly good in that regard, but before one steps over the line, I just wanted to help out, ya know? ;)

    I don't mind people expressing their concerns as a European player, but they must do it in a respectful constructive manner that does not attack anyone or any party. I know ProSieben has been a hot topic with the EU player base, but unfortunately, there's not much I can personally do. I have definitely forwarded the concerns onto those who can though. :)

    Here are the Forum Guidelines I was talking about previously as requested by Feldon:

  2. Simparri Active Member

    Actually I'm likely to ignore the site, I sent them a message & got no response.
  3. Alarra Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry if I instigated a little disgruntlement on a news thread. I live in Japan, so generally fall in the outside of every one of these competitions, giveaways, and Player Studio. I was excited as I didn't see the Only in USA tag on this news snippet, after reading the terms I was a little bit disheartened and just wanted to make sure that others didn't have to get as far as I did to know that they aren't eligible.
    Yes, certain laws can be very annoying on such an open platform as the internet. It is unfortunate that common law for such things have not yet been fully ratified by the UN and/or other organizations.
  4. Sunje Active Member

    You know that you have european players?

    Its a shame SOE!
  5. Luperza Community Manager

    This was run by Wikia, so you'd have to contact them to figure out why they restricted it the way they did.

    In regards to SOE, I have explained several times in this thread why we are unable to do giveaways in certain countries and it has nothing to do with us not loving/recognizing you as a European player, so please take a look at those responses. ;)
  6. Lenolian Active Member

    Any you could really check the reality of those limitations. I will take the example of France, the only forbidden rule is to ask money in order to participate in a lottery. There is nothing that would prevent you for running it in France, in fact almost every companies runs such lottery frequently. It would be more accurate to say : "We dont want to bother with checking laws in other countries."

    Correction : ProsSieben IS a hot topic with EU player base....
  7. Luperza Community Manager

    The comment of "We don't want to bother with checking laws in other countries." is quite disrespectful. Please be conscious of how you state things.

    This is what I stated in full:
    "Sweepstakes are heavily regulated in some countries in order to ensure people are not abusing the system. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has to make certain there aren't any scams being created from these giveaways, etc. I think the major concern for most countries has been with the concept of gambling."

    There are tax issues as well that we have been trying to work around, but our Legal Team has not found a resolution, so we cannot do giveaways in some regions.

    In regards to the topic of this thread though, this is a Wikia giveaway, so I am uncertain as to what the reasoning is behind why they are including/not including certain countries.
  8. Avianna Well-Known Member

    Luperza, you do a good job. I know it's not much but it is nice to be seen and recognized every now and then. So I just wanted to let you know that you're appreciated.
    Tariya, Alarra and Luperza like this.
  9. Milliebii Well-Known Member

    Actually the laws governing lotteries, give aways etc in this country(Aus) are so complex and varied (six sets of state laws plus federal) I would not want SOE putting the time in to work it out, spend the money on Community Managers instead!
    Tariya likes this.