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Into Harms Way on [Maj'Dul] is Recruiting! VoV Cleared to Mayong

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Myxx, Jun 13, 2022.

  1. Myxx <Into Harms Way> Maj'Dul


    ~~ VoV Expac Cleared to Mayong ~~
    <Into Harms Way> on Maj'Dul is looking for quality players:

    1 Enchanter
    1 Healer
    1 T1 DPS

    Will also consider consider talented and experienced
    players of other classes on a case by case basis

    Raid Days & Times
    Sun 8:30 - 11:30 pm EST
    Mon 8:30 - 11:30 pm EST
    Wed 8:30 - 11:30 pm EST

    Haven't Played in Years?
    IHW will assist returning players that have the drive to gear up,
    maintain their toon and are dedicated to the raid force.
    We can help you increase resolve, learn the new mechanic changes and
    provide other info needed to be successful in an end-content raid guild.

    If you are interested in raiding with IHW
    click to Apply to Guild or contact an officer in Discord or in Game

    IHW Raid Council Officers:
    Angellfyre, Myxx, Mossbob, Lucutious and Panthor
    Discord: @Myxx#0001, @Lucutious#0457, @Panthor#6665