International pages?

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Darn, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Darn Guest

    Just curious as I can't see it anywhere ... is there going to be a language support for the new page again?? Like french, german ect. or do we now only get the english one including english news? Many can't speak english well or not at all including people in my guild, you know ...
  2. ARCHIVED-Darn Guest

    Just on a side note: the new launcher still shows localized news headlines, but they don't lead anywhere anymore. Clicking at them gives only an error
    HTTP Status 404 - /news/read/current/2290

    type Status report

    message /news/read/current/2290

    description The requested resource (/news/read/current/2290) is not available.
    So basically people speaking french, german or japanese but not english have no chance to get any official news anymore from the webpage.